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Prometheus Bound in the flesh for our sake

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1 Prometheus Bound in the flesh for our sake
United Lodge of Theosophists in Greece White Lotus Day 14 May 2006 Athens

2 Battle between God and the Titans,1600 (Wtewael)

3 Prometheus' Theft of Fire as Zeus and his Cup-bearer, Ganymede, sleep (Griepenkerl)

4 Punishments of Atlas and Prometheus (Attic black figure vase, 555 BC)

5 Vulcan chaining Prometheus, 1623 (Van Baburen ) | With Hermes looking on.

6 Prometheus Bound, 1994 (Russell)

7 Prometheus Bound, 1868 (Moreau)

8 Prometheus Bound sketch, 1978 (David Johnson)

9 Prometheus Bound (Briton Riviere)

10 Prometheus fountain, Rockefeller Center (Paul Manship)

11 Heracles Liberating Prometheus (Attican Kratar, 610 BC)

12 Pandora, 1869 (Dante Gabriel Rossetti )

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