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The Integrated Nutrition Education Program (INEP) Learning Comes Alive through Classroom Cooking.

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1 The Integrated Nutrition Education Program (INEP) Learning Comes Alive through Classroom Cooking


3 Presenters Diane Brogden, UCHSC, Stanley BPS
Heather Owen, UCHSC, Stanley BPS Good afternoon, my name is Diane Brogden and this is my colleague Heather Owen. We are here to talk to you about the INEP. Both Heather and I completed the SBPS training and we are thrilled to be here with you today. We love presenting to such a talented dynamic group.

4 Stanley BPS Intern Training
3:30-3:45 What is the Integrated Nutrition Education Program? 3:45-4:45 Invent-a-Salsa We are going to spend about 15 minutes telling you about INEP and then we will move to the other room to enjoy an INEP lesson called “Invent a “Salsa”. There are two lesson in your packet along with a description of the program, a family newsletter that is in English/Spanish and On the website we put a flyer with a list of foods the children taste, a book list, lesson calendar, a list of sites, and a research article about INEP that was published in the Journal of Nutrition Education

5 INEP Program Partners University of Colorado Denver
SNAP-Ed/Colorado State University Cooking Matters COWP-Culture of Wellness Programs Denver Urban Gardens Colorado Health Foundation Stanley British Primary School USDA School Lunch Programs King Soopers, Albertson’s, Western Dairy Council SNAP-Ed (funder) INEP is conducted through partnerships with these organizations….including SBPS

6 Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 1990, 2000, 2010
(*BMI 30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for 5’4” person) 2000 During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. In 2010, no state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. Thirty-six states had a prevalence of 25% or more; 12 of these states had a prevalence of 30% or more. More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese. Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. 1990 2010 No Data <10% %–14% %–19% %–24% %–29% ≥30%

7 Colorado’s adult obesity levels recently jumped to the second-fastest rate in the country, a disturbing increase for a state that has long bragged of being the leanest in the nation. For the first time ever, 1 out of every 5 Colorado adults in now obese. In 2007 Colorado had the 3rd lowest child obesity rate in the US. Now Colorado’s child obesity rate in the 2nd fastest growing in the nation. Colorado now ranks 23rd in the nation for child obesity. First time in recorded history, today’s younger generation will live shorter lives than their parents Dietary practices track from childhood to adulthood and our program aims to reach children early in order to prevent obesity.






13 Who We Are Elementary school program.
Multi-year (K-5th), 12 to 20 lessons/year. Hands-on nutrition education program. Utilize classroom teachers to increase student reach and health impact. Promote connections between classroom, lunchroom and home to improve health messaging. INEP is a multi-year program consisting of hands-on lessons each year that involve food preparation/eating and are linked to science and literacy standards. Classroom teachers get curriculum training, followed by weekly delivery of food and education materials to support the lessons.

14 Outcome Objectives Increase knowledge of and attitudes towards fruits and vegetables. Improve self-efficacy regarding food prep and fruit/vegetable intake. Increase exposure to new foods and improve food preferences. The primary INEP goal is to instill life-long nutrition behaviors to prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease. To accomplish this goal, the INEP targets increased fruit/vegetable consumption, overall healthy eating, increased physical activity and children’s willingness to try new foods. Unhealthy diet and inactivity together account for at least 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Diet is a known risk factor for the three leading causes of death - heart disease, cancer, and stroke - as well as for diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis. Dietary factors account for 30% of all preventable cancers. Link Fruit/Vegetable Consumption in Classroom to Lunchroom and Home.

15 In the Classroom Experiential, hands on, food prep and tasting.
Exposure to wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Integrated into Science and Literacy standards. Bilingual recipes and activity sheets. The students actively participate in the food prep and tasting and they get to try many new foods. Lessons include fiction and non-fiction books and texts, recipes to read and follow in class, activity sheets that encourage critical thinking and engage students in reading and writing; use of such tools as graphic organizers, compare and contrast, paragraph writing, “how to” books, recording of scientific observations, findings and conclusions, fact vs fiction, convincing arguments… Science lessons include hands on science experiments (like testing for vitamin C); model building, observation and data collection, non-fiction books and texts about nutrition, exercise, germs and the human body, There lesson about plants (seeds roots, leaves)……… INEP lessons have a strong social studies component and celebrate different cultures from around the world. Lessons include recipes from other cultures, stories, myths, and nonfiction books and texts about people and cultures from around the world, nonfiction books about important historical figures and times, celebrations of holidays from different cultures.

16 Key Curriculum Elements
Write on the Chalkboard “Eat more vegetables every day!” Isolate one simple behavior in each lesson. Use goal-setting. Use “self-talk” or “think aloud” to verbalize how to make a behavior happen. Each lesson focuses on a clearly defined behavior and the Make Health Happen section asks specific questions about how children can make that behavior a reality. What was your favorite vegetable in today’s salad? How do you plan to eat more vegetables today? What new vegetable would you like to try with your family?

17 Hands on Nutrition lessons change eating behaviors and enhance learning.
Students actively participate in lessons

18 Provide opportunity to try new foods.
The children try foods like; edamame, Napa cabbage, cherries, kiwi, coconut, okra cauliflower.

19 Try new foods in a non-threatening environment
Students are encouraged to try new foods but they are not forced to. Many students will try the foods when they see others doing it.

20 Capitalize on Positive Peer Pressure
The children may initially be hesitant to try new and different foods. But when they have the opportunity to participate in making the food together, they become more willing to try them.

21 Teach food preparation skills.
They cut, measure and mix. They practice serving and good manners too.

22 Encourage teamwork in small groups.
Many lessons incorporate teamwork

23 From the Classroom to the Family
Newsletters to families with nutrition tips and recipes 3 times a year. Take home recipes connected to lessons. Book Bags for 2nd graders. INEP offers nutrition education for the entire family through newsletters, take home recipes and book bags.

24 Parent Nights Parent Classes
Parent Education Parent Nights Parent Classes La Cocina Soludable Bilingual classes Parent nights give us an opportunity to reach the entire family.

25 Lesson schedule


27 INEP Peak #’s and Current
: 18 districts 40 schools 360 classrooms ≈7,800 students & families : 21 districts 109 schools 1,321 classrooms ≈36,000 students & families The program began in It has gone through some changes this past year.

28 Program Results Increased knowledge and food preparation self-efficacy. Increased food preferences. Behavior change as well as knowledge change. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in the lunchroom. In summary, children show an increase in the behaviors targeted by the program. Basically, children love INEP!!

29 Evaluation Results 99% of teachers reported that their students were more knowledgeable about nutrition. 90% of teachers reported that their students were more willing to try new foods. 72% of INEP students indicated that they eat more fruits and vegetables. About one in four students self-report a reduction in their consumption of soda/pop.

30 Comments “The INEP activities helped build positive collaboration…The recipe ‘projects’ are real life episodes that engage active learning and the teacher doesn’t have to take time to go shopping for supplies or create materials or find resources, but the students receive enriching information….” INEP Teacher

31 Comments “ The are likely to eat it when the recipes are from school. They feel proud when they made it in school.” INEP Parent

32 Julie Atwood, MNM Program Manager University of Colorado Denver (303)

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