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SMILE Supporting Migrant Inclusion in Lifelong Learning and Education

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1 SMILE Supporting Migrant Inclusion in Lifelong Learning and Education
Erasmus + project KA Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants (FSM, Malta) , CARDET (Cyprus), iFALL (Sweden), Institute for African Studies (IAS, Slovenia).

2 FSM, Malta CARDET, CYPRUS IAS, Slovenia IFALL, Sweden SMILE - Roles

3 Project Duration: 24 months (1st October 2017 – 30th September 2019)
Priorities: 1. Extending and developing educators’ competences (formal/informal educators; social and cultural competences) 2. Social inclusion (migrant education) 3. Strengthening the recruitment, selection and induction of educators (blended 3ECTS module) SMILE - Priorities

4 SMILE - Objectives Main Objective:
To promote migrant inclusion in lifelong learning and adult education Target groups: Migrant peers, learning support staff, teachers, administrators/policymakers Goals: Study gaps in migrant inclusion in adult education; find best practices Develop innovative educational resources Train migrant peers, support staff and teachers in adult education programmes Develop policy guidelines and/or policy recommendations SMILE - Objectives

5 SMILES – Outcomes Long term:
Democracy, security, active citizenship, representation and participation of minorities, Diversity and peace in EU and Mediterranean Medium term: Empowerment and inclusion of migrants in adult education Develop capacity for social inclusion of migrants in the Med. Project Outcomes: Increased understanding and awareness on barriers, best practices and tools Changing attitudes and behaviours, increasing hope and confidence in positive change Increased inclusion agency and practice SMILES – Outcomes

6 Based on participation and cooperation between migrant communities and adult educators
Inclusion of migrant educators and mediators in all project activities Empowers migrant mentors and community leaders in promoting education Bridges the gap between teachers and migrant communities Builds on current research and strategies of the Ministry of Education in adult education SMILE - Innovation

7 SMILE – Intellectual Outputs
Research document (challenges and best practices)- O1 Guidelines/recommendations for education policymakers, institutes, municipalities and service providers – O2 Training workshop and handbook for learning support staff (piloted,16)-O3 Non formal training course for migrant peers (piloted, 40) – O4 Blended 3ECTS Study Unit for teachers (piloted, 10) – O5 SMILE – Intellectual Outputs

8 SMILE – Learning/ Teaching/ Training
May 2018 C1 – Training Visit Sweden Jan. 2019 C2 – Training visit Slovenia Aug. 2019 C3- Training visit Malta and Final conference SMILE – Learning/ Teaching/ Training

9 SMILE- Multiplier Events
E1 SMILE Final conference Malta E2 SMILE Seminar Slovenia E3 SMILE Training of learning Support Teachers Sweden SMILE- Multiplier Events


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