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Script Analysis Philosophy

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1 Script Analysis Philosophy
applying the analysis method to Hamlet and Death of a Salesman

2 Objectives Review script analysis terms with Hamlet
Apply the script analysis elements to Death of a Salesman Analyze tragic elements in both Hamlet and Death of a Salesman

3 Dramatic Action

4 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Inciting Incident King Hamlet has been murdered (likely by Claudius) and Queen Gertrude has married Claudius, who is now King. Bernardo says, “In the same figure like the King that’s dead” (1.1.48). Claudius says about Gertrude, “our sometime sister, now our queen” (1.2.8). King Hamlet’s ghost states, “The serpent that did sting thy father’s life / Now wears his crown” ( ). A secondary inciting incident: King Hamlet slew King Fortinbras. Horatio stated, “our valiant Hamlet…Did slay this Fortinbras” ( ). Point of Attack The ghost of dead King Hamlet asks young Hamlet to avenge his death. The ghost asks Hamlet to “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (1.5.31).

5 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Your turn! Protagonist & Antagonist Major Dramatic Question Minor Dramatic Question Major Turning Point Final Crisis Beginning of the Denouement Specific textual references are fine (since you’ve returned your books) Be prepared to share out. Group 1 Group 2

6 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Share your findings… Protagonist & Antagonist Major Dramatic Question Minor Dramatic Question Major Turning Point Final Crisis Beginning of the Denouement Group 1 Group 2

7 Now, Death of a Salesman As a partnership/trio, discuss the following for Death… Inciting Incident Point of Attack Protagonist & Antagonist Major Dramatic Question Minor Dramatic Question Major Turning Point Final Crisis Beginning of the Denouement Remember, you need text support! Be prepared to share out your findings with the class. What did you come up with? What questions do you have regarding Dramatic Action? If needed, have them share out the next day…

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