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Exploring forces that have increasing effect with decreasing scale

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring forces that have increasing effect with decreasing scale"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring forces that have increasing effect with decreasing scale
Nano Propulsion Exploring forces that have increasing effect with decreasing scale Intermolecular Collisions (Brownian Motion) Surface Tension Recoil from release of bubbles from a surface Electrostatic Forces

2 Hydrogen Peroxide and Platinum
Recoil from bubble release propels the boat forward Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Foam Boat Platinum-on-Carbon and Nafion Bubbles released from platinum surface

3 Surface Tension and Propulsion
Isopropanol (IPA) Area of Reduced Surface Tension Water The reduced inward tension of IPA results in a greater outward force on the boat (as compared to water), causing a net forward propulsion.

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