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Volume 2.

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1 Volume 2

2 Open Range An area where livestock may lawfully be allowed to run at large

3 Texas Cattle Soldiers returning from the Civil War found their ranches overrun with Cattle This was due to lack of supervision There was also a big demand for beef in the East Opportunity arose for those ranchers who could fulfill the need

4 Cattle of Choice For Drives
Longhorn cattle was the breed of choice for Cowboys to drive It was tough and durable and could withstand harsh weather conditions Not always the meat of choice but still helped meet the beef demand of the U.S.

5 Cattle Drives Difficult and dangerous
Cowboys had to deal with a variety of issues Weather Temperament of Cattle Farmers Indians Mutiny's

6 Cattle Industry in Texas
Political Ramifications The government stopped the range wars The capital was built because of the sale of the XIT ranch The U.S. government removed the Indians from the Texas Plains so cattle could be taken to market

7 Cattle Industry In Texas
Economic Ramifications Largest ranches in the world Texas cattle worth double what they were in Texas IF they could get them to market Cattle trails were used to get cattle to the railroad to be taken to market

8 Cattle Industry In Texas
Social Ramifications Cowboys a part of the Texas Culture New technologies created to improve life Most cowboys were African American or Mexican Americans

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