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Near-infrared VLT adaptive optics imaging of planetary nebulae

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1 Near-infrared VLT adaptive optics imaging of planetary nebulae
Eric Lagadec (University of Manchester, UK) Main co-workers: Albert Zijlstra (University of Manchester), Olivier Chesneau (OCA, Grasse), Mikako Matsuura (NAOJ, Japan), Djamel Mékarnia (OCA, Nice), José A. de Freitas Pacheco (OCA, Nice) APN4, La Palma, 19/06/2007

2 Adaptive optics imaging at the VLT
NACO (Naos-Conica) on UT4 8.2m telescope Diffraction-limited imaging in the optical and near-IR Resolution ~ 60 mas (K-L bands) Field of view from 14”*14” to 56”*56”

3 Hen morphology+ core HST Ha image (Sahai et al. 2000) 1 ’’ Infrared excess in the resolved (155 mas) core Warm dust ( K) Similar dust in IRAS (Sahai et al. 2005) and IRAS (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2007) NACO L’ (3.8 μm) (Lagadec et al. 2006)

4 The post-AGB star Roberts 22
HST optical image (Sahai et al. 1999) Near-infrared NACO composite image of Roberts 22 (Lagadec et al in preparation, Eso messenger , 7”*7”)

5 Motion of the envelope? Jets up to 450 km.s-1 (Sahai et al. 1999)
D=2kpc HST observations 3 years before 0.1” in 3 yrs

6 NACO+MIDI observations of OH 231.8
See (and listen to!) Olivier Chesneau and Pieter Deroo’s talks!!! NACO observations of the post-AGB star OH (Matsuura, Chesneau et al. (2006) 27”*27”)

7 OH 231.8+3.4: dusty shell or disc?
New observations (PI: E. Lagadec) with 4 new baselines just obtained Measurements only with baselines ~ perpendicular to the bipolar lobes Dusty structure size measured in just one direction

8 First results Equatorial plan Along the poles Gaussian Fit Not a disc but rather a flattened shell (Lagadec et al. in preparation) Visibilities similar to the Symbiotic Star HM Sge (Sacuto et al. 2007)

9 Interaction with a hot companion?
Soker & Livio (2001)

10 3.74 μm NACO image of V Hya (Mékarnia et al. in preparation)
More to come when D. Mékarnia will be back from his 13 months stay in Antarctica! Evolved AGB star with high velocity jets (~200km.s-1) Jet orientated East-West (Sahai et al and Hirano et al. 2004) An AGB star caught in the shaping act?? 3.74 μm NACO image of V Hya (Mékarnia et al. in preparation)

11 Summary Hen 2-113: warm dust (900K) in the core
Roberts 22: complex S-shaped morphology + expansion? OH 231.8: Detection of a 25 mas (~40 a.u.) dust core V Hya: Spherical at large scales, departure from spherical symmetry at scale below 1” (~300 a.u.)

12 Muchas Gracias! Thank you! Merci! спасибо ! Trugarez! Obrigado! ευχαριστώ ! Kheili mamnun ! Mulţumesc ! شكراً Děkuji ! Dank u! תודה Grazie! Danke! Tänan! Mèsi! ありがとう Dziękuję! Tatenda! Kiitos! Tankje wol!

13 CO observations of V Hya
Schematic geometry of V Hya Hirano et al. (2004)

14 Formation of OH Soker & Livio (2001)

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