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Hey Good Lookin, Whatcha Got Cookin? Tout à Côté Cuisine in the L2 French Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Hey Good Lookin, Whatcha Got Cookin? Tout à Côté Cuisine in the L2 French Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hey Good Lookin, Whatcha Got Cookin? Tout à Côté Cuisine in the L2 French Classroom

2 Organization of Session Justification for using cooking shows in L2 classrooms Sample activities (translated ) Adaptations, variations, and uses The Five Cs: communication; cultures; connections; comparisons; communities How to find cooking shows in your language

3 Video in the L2 Classroom Students love it Realia/authentic input Cultural information Real-life activity Easily accessed and plentiful on the Internet

4 Cooking shows in the L2 Classroom Authentic input: by native speakers, for native speakers Culture: Food and cooking – Central to a societys culture – Leads easily to cultural comparisons Relatable: Students know and understand format – Leads easily to cultural comparisons Available online Short (~25 minutes for a 50 minute period)

5 Cooking shows: Some caveats No subtitles Rapid speech (for native speakers, by native speakers) Lots of new, specific vocabulary Need computer, Internet, projector – If not, students can watch on their own

6 On the bright side Students know and understand the format Cooking shows are visual and repetitive Recipes are summarized at the end Students at all levels can get something – Beginners can at least name foods featured – Proper pre-watching activities facilitate understanding

7 Cooking shows (Sample warm-up questions) Do you watch cooking shows? Which ones? What is the format? – How many people? – What are the activities? – How many dishes are typically presented? – How are they presented?

8 In French 301 (5 th semester French, Purdue): pre-watching: Vocabulary un four: ovenéplucher: to peel une mandoline: slicer/mandolinenfourner: to put in an oven lhuile de grain de raisin: grapeseed oilfiger: to thicken/to congeal une cuillère à soupe: tablespoonsoulever: to lift le cabillaud: codcouper en dés: to dice le céleri rave: celery roothacher: to chop les grattons de canard: bits of duckmélanger: to mix un fouet: whiskcuire: to cook

9 Questions to consider while watching What foods do you see during the introduction? What are Julies, Christines, and Alexandres roles? What are the dishes and their ingredients? How are they prepared? What city do we visit with Christine? What food does Julie describe? How should it be kept? For how long? Where is Alexandres restaurant? How does this region influence the dishes, in your opinion?

10 Tout à côté Cuisine France 3: Hosted by journalist Julie Andrieu – Segment focusing on a particular ingredient Different guest chef every episode – Cutaway segment to chefs home region/restaurant Assistant chosen from viewing public – Cutaway segment featuring assistants home region

11 After watching Take questions from students Review answers to questions to consider while watching Ask students what they noted in the video Ask students would they like to eat the dish prepared Other questions…

12 Follow-up activities Oral evaluation: Group skit of a cooking show – Students chose recipes – Presented to classmates Composition: Compare American and French cooking shows – Students chose the American show – Watched two additional episodes of Tout à côté Cuisine

13 Compositions: Cultural Comparisions Students compared Tout à côté Cuisine to Rachael Ray, Paula Deen, Iron Chef, or The Barefoot Contessa (one used Throwdown with Bobby Flay). Noted American emphasis on saving time and on cheap, quick, easy dishes – A lot of ingredients are bought prepared Noted the competitive air of many American shows – Because we prefer the action that comes from sports

14 Adaptations and variations Beginners: Students answer in English; answer more simple questions; more basic vocabulary; focus on one clip played several times; Advanced: More sophisticated questions; less scaffolding; finer details; concentrate on cultural comparisons while watching Middle/High School: Prepare recipes together (if you dare…) Younger learners: Start with L1 cooking show for scaffolding

15 Multiple screenings (if time) Play without sound first, ask students what they expect to hear Play without image first, ask students what they expect to see On subsequent screenings, questions become more specific, more abstract

16 Cooking shows and grammar Imperatives and commands Ingredients provide a context for adjectives Actions provide a context for adverbs or verbs Verb tenses: – retelling what happened – imagining what happened next – imagining preparations that happened before the show – what participants might do/have done under certain circumstances

17 Cooking shows and communication Gives students something to communicate about Real-life activity in L2; authentic input Context for other classroom activities

18 Cooking shows and cultures Gastronomy in the target culture or cultures Regional cuisine and the influence of geography Restaurant culture

19 Cooking shows and connections Target culture(s) Other disciplines – culinary arts – agriculture – journalism – television studies – nutrition studies

20 Cooking shows and comparisons Between American and L2 cultures Between L2 regions, countries Between chefs, restaurants Between individual tastes

21 Cooking shows and communities Students can join communities interested in target culture cuisine both home and abroad Easier integration in target culture with prior knowledge of cuisine

22 In other words (languages…) German Die Kochsprofis Japanese New Dotch Cooking Show Chinese…not sure what the show is I had one in Spanish, but it disappeared… Or find your own!

23 Sturm, J.L. Hey Good Lookin, Whatcha Got Cookin? Tout à Côté Cuisine in the L2 French classroom. The French Review, 86, 2. (December 2012)

24 Questions? Merci! Gracias! Danke! Sпасибо! Grazie! Obrigada!

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