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SCIAMACHY Validation Support

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1 SCIAMACHY Validation Support
Ankie Piters, KNMI SCIAMACHY Validation Workshop, 6-8 December 2004, Bremen

2 SCIAVALIG SCIAMACHY Validation and Interpretation Group: subgroup of SCIAMACHY Science Advisory Group (SSAG: advising national agencies and ESA). Chairs: Hennie Kelder, Ulrich Platt, Paul Simon Overall coordination: Ankie Piters National coordination: Klaus Bramstedt + Berit Kirchhoff (D) Ankie Piters (NL) Jean-Christopher Lambert (B) No formal connection to ESA-ACVT, but adapting the activities to be complementary SCIAMACHY Validation Workshop, 6-8 December 2004, Bremen

3 Who to contact SCIAVALIG has: Support office: website and questions
URL: National coordinators: For general issues on SCIAMACHY validation SCIAMACHY validation product coordinators: For specific product issues. Report your validation results to them. They report to SCIAVALIG and SSAG ESA has: Helpdesk all questions on operational products and reporting of problems ACVT: more general issues: contact Paul Snoeij SCIAMACHY Validation Workshop, 6-8 December 2004, Bremen

4 Finding SCIAMACHY products
All scientific products listed on validation website: Information on algorithms, available data, and data access Available operational products: E.g. Use SCIAMACHY metadata files in Netherlands SCIAMACHY Data Centre: ASCII files with for each state: time+coordinates+ software version (level 0,1,2) Decontamination, SCIA off:, Envisat off: SOST website SCIAMACHY Validation Workshop, 6-8 December 2004, Bremen

5 Reading/analysing BEAT software: open source
Tools on validation website: Colocation tools Reading tools Trajectory tools SCIAMACHY Validation Workshop, 6-8 December 2004, Bremen

6 Feedback Improve products:
Feedback to/from product developers (scientific products) and eohelp (operational products) Compare results: Feedback to/from product coordinators Share results: Posting and discussion on validation website Joint publications Individual support: to national coordinators, or SCIAMACHY Validation Workshop, 6-8 December 2004, Bremen

7 Please let us know what you miss (now or later)!
Website Should guide you to all information relevant for validation of SCIA products. Please let us know what you miss (now or later)! SCIAMACHY Validation Workshop, 6-8 December 2004, Bremen

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