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Chapter 4 Atoms and Elements

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1 Chapter 4 Atoms and Elements
4.1 Elements and Symbols Learning Goal Given the name of an element, write its correct symbol; from the symbol, write the correct name. © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

2 Using Positive and Negative Numbers in Calculations (1.4B)
Chapter 4 Readiness Key Math Skills Using Positive and Negative Numbers in Calculations (1.4B) Calculating a Percentage (1.4C) Core Chemistry Skills Counting Significant Figures (2.3) Rounding Off (2.4) Using Significant Figures in Calculations (2.4) © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

3 Elements Elements are pure substances from which everything else is built. Over the centuries, elements have been named for planets mythological figures minerals geographic locations famous people

4 Sources of Element Names

5 Chemical Symbols Chemical Symbols are one or two letter abbreviations for an element’s name. When chemical symbols contain two letters, the second letter is NOT capitalized. Co is the chemical symbol for cobalt. CO specifies there are two elements present, carbon and oxygen.

6 Chemistry Link to Industry
The chemical symbol for carbon is C. Carbon atoms can arrange themselves in different ways to make different substances. Graphite contains carbon atoms connected to each other in planes of hexagonal rings. We use graphite for lubricants and in pencils.

7 Chemistry Link to Industry
Carbon atoms are also arranged in a rigid structure forming diamonds. Diamonds are transparent and much harder than graphite.

8 Names and Symbols of Elements
Aluminum, Al Silver, Ag Gold, Au Sulfur, S

9 Names and Symbols of Elements
Learning the names and symbols for elements will greatly help your learning of chemistry. Name of Element Element Symbol Aluminum Al Hydrogen H Barium Ba Iodine I Carbon C Nitrogen N Calcium Ca Oxygen O Chlorine Cl Phosphorus P

10 Learning Check Select the correct symbol for each element: A. calcium (1) C (2) Ca (3) CA B. sulfur (1) S (2) Sl (3) Su C. iron (1) Ir (2) FE (3) Fe D. sodium (1) S (2) So (3) Na E. magnesium (1) Mg (2) Mn (3) Ma

11 Solution Select the correct symbol for each element: A. calcium (2) Ca B. sulfur (1) S C. iron (3) Fe D. sodium (3) Na E. magnesium (1) Mg

12 Learning Check Select the correct element name for each symbol: A. N (1) neon (2) nitrogen B. P (1) potassium (2) phosphorus C. Ag (1) silver (2) gold D. K (1) krypton (2) potassium E. F (1) fluorine (2) fempto

13 Solution Select the correct element name for each symbol: A. N (2) nitrogen B. P (2) phosphorus C. Ag (1) silver D. K (2) potassium E. F (1) fluorine

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