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Formation of Prejudices

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1 Formation of Prejudices
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2 Prejudice Prejudice refers to a positive or a negative attitude.
The root word of prejudice is "pre-judge." "

3 Characteristics ….required ….has emotional terms
….directed towards the group as a whole ….based on rigid/inflexible generalization ….not factual

4 Origin and process Early Experience: The Role of Social Learning
Prejudice is learned Develops during Socialization Views expressed by parents, friends, teachers and others.

5 Social Norms of groups If the members of my group dislike the person ‘X’, many children seem to reason, ‘then I should too’.

6 Direct Intergroup Conflict
“Competition is a source of Prejudices”. Wanted and valued things are scarce. Social Groups and individuals.

7 Forms of prejudices Affective (Feelings)
B Behavioral/Co-native (inclinations to act) C Cognitive ( Beliefs)

8 Terms that often overlap
Discrimination Stereotype Prejudice

9 Discrimination Discrimination is a behavior (an action), particularly with reference to unequal treatment of people because they are of a particular group.

10 Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice– negative attitude Discrimination- negative behavior

11 Stereotypes A stereotype is a mental image, or an exaggerated belief, which assumes that whatever is believed about a group is typical for the entire group.

12 Sources of prejudice Social sources Cognitive sources
Emotional sources

13 Social Sources Of Prejudices
Unequal Status The self-Fulfilling prophecy Conformity In group bias

14 Emotional sources of prejudice
Personality Dynamics Frustration and aggression Emotional sources of prejudice

15 Frustration and aggression
Pain and frustration (a blocking of a goal) often evoke hostility. When the cause of our frustration is intimidating or unknown, we often redirect our hostility.

16 Personality Dynamics Need for status, self-Regard and belonging
The authoritarian personality

17 Cognitive Sources of prejudice
Categorization Distinctiveness Attribution

18 Categorization In-group and out-group.
Religion, age, gender, ethnic background…. ‘Us’ and ‘them’.

19 Distinctiveness Distinctive people and vivid or extreme occurrences often draw attention and distort judgment. We define people by their most distinctive traits and behaviors.

20 Attribution We attribute people’s behavior so much to their inner dispositions that we discount important situational behaviors.

21 Conclusion Prejudice Characteristics
Origin and process (through socialization). Forms of prejudice (A, B, C) Difference among prejudice, Discrimination and stereotype. Sources: Social (unequal status, In-group bias, the self-fulfilling prophecy, conformity etc) emotional (Personality Dynamics and Frustration and aggression.) Cognitive (Categorization, Distinctiveness and Attribution)

22 Any Question???

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