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Presentation on theme: "DISEASES AND MICROORGANISMS"— Presentation transcript:

Get your paper ready for 2-column notes. Terms/vocabulary should be on the left side of your paper. Definitions should be on the right.

2 1. MICROORGANISM What it is.. Any organism too small to be viewed by the unaided eye. Examples: bacteria or some fungi and algae.

3 2. DISEASE What it is.. A condition of an organ, or system of an organism. A disease may result from various causes such as: infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress. Diseases are characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. Examples: Cancer, Malaria, or Ebola

4 3. BACTERIA What it is… A very large group of microorganisms comprising one of the three domains of living organisms. They are prokaryotic, unicellular, and either free-living in soil or water or parasites of plants or animals. Examples: E. coli and Staphylococcus

5 4. VIRUS What it is… An extremely small living thing that causes a disease and that spreads from one person or animal to another. Examples: Rhino Virus - Common cold or a flu virus

6 5. MALARIA What it is.. Malaria is a disease that is spread by the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. Malaria symptoms include fever, chills, and nausea. Examples OR CONNECTIONS: Malaria is a deadly disease just as small pox was before vaccine protection.

7 6. PARASITES What it is… A plant or an animal organism that lives in or on another and takes its nourishment from that other organism. Examples: leech, lice, mosquitos

8 7. VACCINE What it is…A substance that is usually injected into a person or animal to protect against a particular disease Examples: Whooping cough vaccine, chicken pox vaccine, flu vaccine

9 8. EBOLA What it is… A deadly virus that causes fearsome symptoms, the most prominent being high fever and massive internal bleeding. Ebola virus kills as many as 90% of the people it infects Examples or CONNECTIONS: Ebola has a high death rate just as AIDS.

10 9. FUNGI What it is… Any one of a group of related plants that have no flowers and that live on dead or decaying things Examples: molds, mushrooms, or yeasts)

11 10. PROTOZOA What it is …Protozoans are simple organisms, or living things. Most protozoans are so tiny that they can be seen only with a microscope. Example or CONNECTIONS: They belong to a group of organisms called protists, which are neither plants nor animals.



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