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Radu Rugina and Martin Rinard Laboratory for Computer Science

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1 Symbolic Bounds Analysis of Pointers, Array Indices, and Accessed Memory Regions
Radu Rugina and Martin Rinard Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 Outline Examples Key Problem: Extracting Symbolic Bounds for Accessed Memory Regions Key Technology: Formulating and Solving Systems of Symbolic Inequality Constraints Results Conclusion

3 Example - Divide and Conquer Sort
7 4 6 1 3 5 8 2

4 Example - Divide and Conquer Sort
7 4 6 1 3 5 8 2 4 7 6 1 5 3 8 2 Divide

5 Example - Divide and Conquer Sort
7 4 6 1 3 5 8 2 4 7 6 1 5 3 8 2 Divide 4 7 1 6 3 5 2 8 Conquer

6 Example - Divide and Conquer Sort
7 4 6 1 3 5 8 2 4 7 6 1 5 3 8 2 Divide 4 7 1 6 3 5 2 8 Conquer 1 4 6 7 2 3 5 8 Combine

7 Example - Divide and Conquer Sort
7 4 6 1 3 5 8 2 4 7 6 1 5 3 8 2 Divide 4 7 1 6 3 5 2 8 Conquer 1 4 6 7 2 3 5 8 Combine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 “Sort n Items in d, Using t as Temporary Storage”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n);

9 Exploit parallelism in this code
“Sort n Items in d, Using t as Temporary Storage” void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); Motivating Problem Exploit parallelism in this code

10 “Recursively Sort Four Quarters of d”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); Divide array into subarrays and recursively sort subarrays

11 “Recursively Sort Four Quarters of d”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); Subproblems Identified Using Pointers Into Middle of Array 4 7 6 1 5 3 8 2 d d+n/4 d+n/2 d+3*(n/4)

12 “Recursively Sort Four Quarters of d”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); 4 7 6 1 5 3 8 2 d d+n/4 d+n/2 d+3*(n/4)

13 “Recursively Sort Four Quarters of d”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); Sorted Results Written Back Into Input Array 7 4 1 6 5 3 2 8 d d+n/4 d+n/2 d+3*(n/4)

14 “Merge Sorted Quarters of d Into Halves of t”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); 7 4 1 6 5 3 2 8 d 4 1 6 7 3 2 5 8 t t+n/2

15 “Merge Sorted Halves of t Back Into d”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 d 4 1 6 7 3 2 5 8 t t+n/2

16 “Use a Simple Sort for Small Problem Sizes”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); 4 7 6 1 5 3 8 2 d d+n

17 “Use a Simple Sort for Small Problem Sizes”
void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n); 4 7 1 6 5 3 8 2 d d+n

18 Parallel Sort void sort(int *d, int *t, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) {
spawn sort(d,t,n/4); spawn sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); spawn sort(d+2*(n/2),t+2*(n/2),n/4); spawn sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4),n-3*(n/4)); sync; spawn merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); spawn merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4),d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); } else insertionSort(d,d+n);

19 What Do You Need To Know To Exploit This Form of Parallelism?

20 What Do You Need To Know To Exploit This Form of Parallelism?
Symbolic Information About Accessed Memory Regions

21 Information Needed To Exploit Parallelism
Calls to sort access disjoint parts of d and t Together, calls access [d,d+n-1] and [t,t+n-1] sort(d,t,n/4); sort(d+n/4,t+n/4,n/4); sort(d+n/2,t+n/2,n/4); sort(d+3*(n/4),t+3*(n/4), n-3*(n/4)); d d+n-1 t t+n-1 d d+n-1 t t+n-1 d d+n-1 t t+n-1 d d+n-1 t t+n-1

22 Information Needed To Exploit Parallelism
First two calls to merge access disjoint parts of d,t Together, calls access [d,d+n-1] and [t,t+n-1] merge(d,d+n/4,d+n/2,t); merge(d+n/2,d+3*(n/4), d+n,t+n/2); merge(t,t+n/2,t+n,d); d d+n-1 t t+n-1 d d+n-1 t t+n-1 d d+n-1 t t+n-1

23 Information Needed To Exploit Parallelism
Calls to insertionSort access [d,d+n-1] insertionSort(d,d+n); d d+n-1 t t+n-1

24 What Do You Need To Know To Exploit This Form of Parallelism?
Symbolic Information About Accessed Memory Regions: sort(p,n) accesses [p,p+n-1] insertionSort(p,n) accesses [p,p+n-1] merge(l,m,h,d) accesses [l,h-1], [d,d+(h-l)-1]

25 How Hard Is It To Figure These Things Out?

26 How Hard Is It To Figure These Things Out?

27 How Hard Is It To Figure These Things Out?
void insertionSort(int *l, int *h) { int *p, *q, k; for (p = l+1; p < h; p++) { for (k = *p, q = p-1; l <= q && k < *q; q--) *(q+1) = *q; *(q+1) = k; } Not immediately obvious that insertionSort(l,h) accesses [l,h-1]

28 How Hard Is It To Figure These Things Out?
void merge(int *l1, int*m, int *h2, int *d) { int *h1 = m; int *l2 = m; while ((l1 < h1) && (l2 < h2)) if (*l1 < *l2) *d++ = *l1++; else *d++ = *l2++; while (l1 < h1) *d++ = *l1++; while (l2 < h2) *d++ = *l2++; } Not immediately obvious that merge(l,m,h,d) accesses [l,h-1] and [d,d+(h-l)-1]

29 Issues Heavy Use of Pointers Pointers into Middle of Arrays
Pointer Arithmetic Pointer Comparison Multiple Procedures sort(int *d, int *t, n) insertionSort(int *l, int *h) merge(int *l, int *m, int *h, int *t) Recursion

30 How the Compiler Does It

31 Compiler Structure Pointer Analysis Bounds Analysis Region Analysis
Disambiguate References at Granularity of Allocation Blocks Symbolic Upper and Lower Bounds for Each Memory Access in Each Procedure Bounds Analysis Region Analysis Symbolic Regions Accessed By Execution of Each Procedure Parallelization Independent Procedure Calls That Can Execute in Parallel

32 Example – Array Increment
void f(char *p, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { f(p, n/2); /* increment first half */ f(p+n/2, n/2); /* increment second half */ } else { /* base case: initialize small array */ int i = 0; while (i < n) { *(p+i) += 1; i++; } }

33 Intra-procedural Bounds Analysis
For each integer variable at each program point, derive lower and upper bounds Bounds are symbolic expressions variables represent initial values of parameters of enclosing procedure bounds are linear combinations of variables Example expression for f(p,n): p+n-1

34 Bounds Analysis What are upper and lower bounds for region accessed by while loop in base case? int i = 0; while (i < n) { *(p+i) += 1; i++; }

35 Build control flow graph
Bounds Analysis, Step 1 Build control flow graph i = 0 i < n *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1

36 Set up bounds at beginning of basic blocks
Bounds Analysis, Step 2 Set up bounds at beginning of basic blocks i = 0 l1  i  u1 i < n l2  i  u2 *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 l3  i  u3

37 Compute transfer functions
Bounds Analysis, Step 3 Compute transfer functions i = 0 l1  i  u1 0  i  0 l2  i  u2 i < n *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 l3  i  u3 l3  i  u3 l3+1  i  u3+1

38 Compute transfer functions
Bounds Analysis, Step 3 Compute transfer functions l1  i  u1 i = 0 0  i  0 i < n l2  i  u2 l2  i  n l2  i  u2 *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 l3  i  u3 l3  i  u3 l3+1  i  u3+1

39 Set up constraints for bounds
Bounds Analysis, Step 4 Set up constraints for bounds i = 0 l1  i  u1 l2  0 l2  l3+1 l3  l2 0  i  0 i < n l2  i  u2 l2  i  n l2  i  u2 0  u2 u2+1  u2 n-1  u3 *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 l3  i  u3 l3  i  u3 l3+1  i  u3+1

40 Set up constraints for bounds
Bounds Analysis, Step 4 Set up constraints for bounds i = 0 -  i + l2  0 l2  l3+1 l3  l2 0  i  0 i < n l2  i  u2 l2  i  n l2  i  u2 0  u2 u2+1  u2 n-1  u3 *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 l3  i  u3 l3  i  u3 l3+1  i  u3+1

41 Bounds Analysis, Step 5 Generate symbolic expressions for bounds
Goal: express bounds in terms of parameters l2 = c1p + c2n + c3 l3 = c4p + c5n + c6 u2 = c7p + c8n + c9 u3 = c10p + c11n + c12

42 Substitute expressions into constraints
Bounds Analysis, Step 6 Substitute expressions into constraints c1p + c2n + c3  0 c1p + c2n + c3  c4p + c5n + c6 +1 c4p + c5n + c6  c1p + c2n + c3 0  c7p + c8n + c9 c10p + c11n + c12 +1  c7p + c8n + c9 c7p + c8n + c9  c10p + c11n + c12

43 Goal Solve Symbolic Constraint System find values for constraint variables c1, ..., c12 that satisfy the inequality constraints Maximize Lower Bounds Minimize Upper Bounds

44 Reduce symbolic inequalities to
Bounds Analysis, Step 7 Reduce symbolic inequalities to linear inequalities c1p + c2n + c3  c4p + c5n + c6 if c1  c4, c2  c5, and c3  c6

45 max: (c1 + ••• + c6) - (c7 + ••• + c12)
Bounds Analysis, Step 7 Apply reduction and generate a linear program c1  c2  c3  0 c1  c4 c2  c5 c3  c6+1 c4  c1 c5  c2 c6  c3 0  c7 0  c8 0  c9 c10  c7 c11  c8 c12+1  c9 c7  c10 c8  c11 c9  c12 Objective Function: max: (c1 + ••• + c6) - (c7 + ••• + c12) lower bounds upper bounds

46 Bounds Analysis, Step 7 Apply reduction and generate a linear program
This is a linear program (LP), not an integer linear program (ILP) The coefficients in the symbolic expressions are rational numbers Rational coefficients are needed for expressions like middle of an array: low+(high - low)/2

47 Solve linear program to extract bounds
Bounds Analysis, Step 8 Solve linear program to extract bounds c1=0 c2 =0 c3 =0 c4=0 c5 =0 c6 =0 c7=0 c8 =1 c9 =0 c10=0 c11=1 c12=-1 -  i + i = 0 0  i  0 l2  i  u2 i < n l2  i  n l2  i  u2 l2 = 0 l3 = 0 *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 l3  i  u3 u2 = 0 u3 = n-1 l3  i  u3 l3+1  i  u3+1

48 Solve linear program to extract bounds
Bounds Analysis, Step 8 Solve linear program to extract bounds c1=0 c2 =0 c3 =0 c4=0 c5 =0 c6 =0 c7=0 c8 =1 c9 =0 c10=0 c11=1 c12=-1 i = 0 -  i + 0  i  0 0  i  n i < n 0  i  n  i  n l2 = 0 l3 = 0 *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 0  i  n-1 u2 = 0 u3 = n-1 0  i  n-1 1  i  n

49 Solve linear program to extract bounds
Bounds Analysis, Step 8 Solve linear program to extract bounds c1=0 c2 =0 c3 =0 c4=0 c5 =0 c6 =0 c7=0 c8 =1 c9 =0 c10=0 c11=1 c12=-1 i = 0 -  i + 0  i  0 0  i  n i < n 0  i  n  i  n l2 = 0 l3 = 0 *(p+i) += 1 i = i+1 0  i  n-1 u2 = 0 u3 = n-1 0  i  n-1 1  i  n

50 Goal: Compute Accessed Regions of Memory
Region Analysis Goal: Compute Accessed Regions of Memory Intra-Procedural Use bounds at each load or store Compute accessed region Inter-Procedural Use intra-procedural results Set up another symbolic constraint system Solve to find regions accessed by entire execution of the procedure

51 Basic Principle of Inter-Procedural Region Analysis
For each procedure Generate symbolic expressions for upper and lower bounds of accessed regions Constraint System Accessed regions include regions accessed by statements in procedure Accessed regions include regions accessed by invoked procedures

52 Inter-Procedural Constraints
in Example Accesses [ l(f,p,n), u(f,p,n) ] void f(char *p, int n) if (n > CUTOFF) { f(p, n/2); f(p+n/2, n/2); } else { int i = 0; while (i < n) { *(p+i) += 1; i++; } l(f,p,n)  l(f,p,n/2) u(f,p,n)  u(f,p,n/2) l(f,p,n)  l(f,p+n/2,n/2) u(f,p,n)  u(f,p+n/2,n/2) l(f,p,n)  p u(f,p,n)  p+n-1

53 Derive Constraint System
Generate symbolic expressions l(f,p,n) = C1p + C2n + C3 u(f,p,n) = C4p + C5n + C6 Build constraint system C1p + C2n + C3  p C4p + C5n + C6  p + n -1 C1p + C2n + C3  C1p + C2(n/2) + C3 C4p + C5n + C6  C4p + C5(n/2) + C6 C1p + C2n + C3  C1(p+n/2) + C2(n/2) + C3 C4p + C5n + C6  C4(p+n/2) + C5(n/2) + C6

54 Solve Constraint System
Simplify Constraint System C1p + C2n + C3  p C4p + C5n + C6  p + n -1 C2n  C2(n/2) C5n  C5(n/2) C2(n/2)  C1(n/2) C5(n/2)  C4(n/2) Generate and Solve Linear Program l(f,p,n) = p u(f,p,n) = p+n-1 Access region: [p, p+n-1]

55 Parallelization Dependence Testing of Two Calls
Do accessed regions intersect? Based on comparing upper and lower bounds of accessed regions Parallelization Find sequences of independent calls Execute independent calls in parallel

56 Details Inter-procedural positivity analysis
Verify that variables are positive Required for correctness of reduction Correlation analysis Integer division Basic idea : (n-1)/2  n/2  n/2 Generalized : (n-m+1)/m  n/m  n/m Linear system decomposition

57 Comparison to Dataflow Analysis
Uses iterative algorithms Cannot handle lattices with infinite ascending chains, because termination is not guaranteed Our framework Reduces the analysis to a linear program Works for lattices with infinite ascending chains like integers, rational numbers or polynomials No possibility of non-termination

58 Uses of Symbolic Bounds Information
Transformations Verifications Automatic Parallelization Of Sequential Programs Data Race Detection For Parallel Programs Bounds Checks Elimination For Safe Programs Array Bounds Checking For Unsafe Programs

59 Application of Analysis Framework
Bitwidth Analysis: Computes minimum number of bits to represent computed values Important for hardware synthesis from high level languages For our framework: Bitwidth analysis is a special case: Compute precise numeric bounds Constraint system = linear program

60 Experimental Results Implementation - SUIF, lp_solve, Cilk
Parallelization speedups: Application Number of Processors 1 2 4 6 8 Fibonacci 0.76 1.52 3.03 4.55 6.04 Quicksort 1.00 1.99 3.89 5.68 7.36 Mergesort 2.00 3.90 5.70 7.41 Heat 1.03 2.02 5.53 6.83 BlockMul 0.97 1.86 3.84 7.54 NoTempMul 1.02 2.01 4.03 6.02 8.02 LU 0.98 1.95 5.66 7.39

61 Experimental Results Implementation - SUIF, lp_solve, Cilk
Parallelization speedups: Close to linear speedups Most of parallelism detected

62 Experimental Results Implementation - SUIF, lp_solve, Cilk
Parallelization speedups: Close to linear speedups Most of parallelism detected Compiler also verified that: Parallel versions were free of data races Benchmarks do not violate the array bounds

63 Experimental Results Implementation - SUIF, lp_solve
Bitwidth reduction:

64 Context Mainstream parallelizing compilers Loop nests, dense matrices
Affine access functions Our framework focuses on: Recursion, dynamically allocated arrays Pointers, pointer arithmetic Key problems: pointer analysis, symbolic region analysis, solving linear programs

65 Conclusion Novel framework for symbolic bounds analysis
Uses symbolic constraint systems Reduces problem to linear programs More powerful than iterative approaches Analysis uses: Parallelization, data race detection Detecting array bounds violations Array bounds check elimination Bitwidth analysis

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