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European Partnership Against Cancer, 08/12/2010

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1 European Partnership Against Cancer, 08/12/2010
WP8: Research European Partnership Against Cancer, 08/12/2010

2 Background Today’s research paradox: Explanation:
Progress in research and understanding of cancer Slow translation of research discoveries into concrete benefits for patients Explanation: Complexity of the “discovery to treatment” pathway Lack of European coordinated strategy to fight the disease

3 The Challenge Heterogeneous priorities and funding for cancer research (set at national/local/regional level) Heterogeneous approaches, financial resources, and infrastructure Differing requirements, goals, and restrictions from funding organisations Therefore: Research fragmentation/ duplication/ gaps Slow progress in the fight against cancer

4 The Need Improve coordination and collaboration in cancer research across Europe Identify gaps within the cancer continuum Draw attention to areas where further research is needed

5 WP8: Research Bringing together Member States and Associated Countries, NGOs, patient organisations, industry and other stakeholders in the cancer continuum; Ensuring multidisciplinarity; Developing a comprehensive and collaborative approach to achieve coordination of one third of research from all funding sources by 2013 within selected areas of cancer research.

6 Specific Objectives (SO)
To identify and prioritize areas in cancer research that will benefit from coordination To develop a concerted approach for coordination of one third of research from all funding sources by 2013 To implement pilot projects of research coordination in selected areas

7 WP8 Associated Partners
INCa (Institut National du Cancer) (Co-WPL) ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) ISCIII (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) CSISP (Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública Valencia) ECCO (European CanCer Organisation) (Co-WPL)

8 SO1: Identification/Prioritization
Process indicators Output Indicators Outcomes indicators Design of questionnaires Questionnaires Dissemination of questionnaires Number of potential respondents Estimate of the size of potential subsequent action Collection of responses Number of responses received Rate of respondents, may be a further indicator of interest Analysis Areas of possible coordination Identification of key coordination areas agreeable according to potential partners

9 SO2: Developing a concerted approach
Process indicators Output Indicators Outcomes indicators Invitation of all relevant stakeholders to meetings Positive involvement of stakeholders in the discussions Involvement of the stakeholders in the implementation of the pilot project(s) (e. g. number of MS/AC involved in a pilot project)

10 SO3: Implement Pilot Projects in selected areas
Process indicators Output Indicators Outcomes indicators Number of possible pilot projects for research coordination in selected areas Number of pilot projects selected for implementation Number of MS/ AC / Funding agencies involved in the implemented pilot projects

11 Deliverables No. Title Distribution Channel Target Audience 1
List and prioritisation of cancer research areas that will benefit from coordination 1st Research Forum, dissemination on websites, publications MS/AC, researchers, funders, science policy makers, industry, patients 2 Approach and methodology for coordination of one third of research from all funding sources by 2013 Forum, workshops and follow up meetings, websites, publications

12 Deliverables No. Title Distribution Channel Target Audience 3
Identification of selected areas where research coordination could be readily implemented Pilot projects, websites, reports, publications MS/AC, researchers, funders, science policy makers, industry, patients

13 Teleconferences (TC): 1/month (only key ones mentioned here)
Milestones confirmation key areas coordination Preparatory meeting for RDT Forum AP + speakers (25 pers.) Roma Follow up Meeting + prep. 2nd RTD Forum (35 pers) Valencia Preparatory Meeting of 2nd follow up meeting (TC) Follow up Meeting (45 pers) Paris- Boulogne Months Preparatory meeting 1st workshop (TC) 2nd RTD Forum 60 pers. Amsterdam 1st RTD Forum 60 pers. Brussels Internal meeting (15 pers) Analysis of questionaires (TC) Pres. outcomes questionnaires Exchanges of views Decision on key areas coordination Workshop (60 pers) Madrid N.B: Teleconferences (TC): 1/month (only key ones mentioned here)

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