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Work Power and Machines

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1 Work Power and Machines
Concepts of Physics

2 Work can be best defined as
Doing manual labor Applying a force over a distance with no motion Applying a force over a distance with motion Exerting energy while applying a force

3 The units for work are Watts Calories Amps Joules Volts
Calories per pound

4 Joules could be used to measure
The work done lifting a bowling ball The potential energy of a bowling ball held in the air The kinetic energy of a rolling ball All of the above None of the above Both B and C

5 1 Joule is equal to 1 N∙m 1 N∙s 1 kg∙m2/s2 Both A and C Both B and C

6 A force of 20 N is applied to picking a 15 kg ball 2 m high
A force of 20 N is applied to picking a 15 kg ball 2 m high. What is the work done? 600 Joules 40 Joules 40 Watts 600 Watts 600 Amps 40 Amps

7 The units for power are Watts Calories Amps Joules Volts
Calories per pound

8 In science work has a specific meaning
Definition for work: A quantity that measures the effects of force acting over a distance. In science work has a specific meaning Work is done only when force causes a change in MOTION

9 Work Equation Work = Force x Distance Example:
A man lifts a ball 2 meters in the air while exerting a force of 190 N. What is the work done? Example 2: A man holds a massive barbell stationary 2.5 meters in the air while applying a huge force.

10 Measurements of Work Since work = Force x Distance than the SI units for work must be N∙m. This is also known as a Joule (J). 1 kg ∙ m2/s2 = 1N ∙ m = 1 J

11 Power Does running up the stairs require more work than walking up the stairs? NO! remember Work = Force x Distance, time is not involved. When we involve time we are talking about POWER

12 Power Power = Work/time
Power is defined as the rate at which work is done, or how much work is done in a certain amount of time. Equation form: Power = Work/time

13 Power is measured in WATTS (W)
1 Watt is the amount of Power required to 1 J of in 1 sec.

14 Example 1 It takes 100 kiloJoules (kJ) of work to lift an elevator 18 m. If it takes 20 sec for this to happen what is the average power during the process? 18 m

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