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RAHUL KAVI SEPTEMBER 05, 2013 Day 6: Excel Chapters 3 & 4 RAHUL KAVI SEPTEMBER 05, 2013.

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Day 6: Excel Chapters 3 & 4 RAHUL KAVI SEPTEMBER 05, 2013


3 Text manipulation Convert Text to Columns CONCATENATE()
Data->Text to Columns Just like importing text files CONCATENATE() Combines text

4 Changing Case PROPER() UPPER() LOWER() Also known as title case
First letter of each word capitalized UPPER() LOWER()

5 SUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTE(text, old text, new text, n)
text: the text you want to make the substitution to old text: the text you want to remove new text: the text you want to replace old text with n: which occurrence to change If n is not specified, all text matching old text will be replaced with new text

6 Other text functions TRIM() LEFT(text, n) RIGHT(text, n)
Removes leading and trailing spaces LEFT(text, n) Returns the leftmost n characters of text RIGHT(text, n) Returns the rightmost n characters of text MID(text, start, n) Returns n characters of text, starting with the character in the position specified by start

7 xml eXtensible Markup Language Why use XML?
Each piece of data has a tag that specifies what it represents A tag is like a label HTML is a specific form of XML with limited tags (<h1>header</h1>, <b>bold</b>, etc.) XML can have any tag

8 xml Wrong XML File XML only carries data
No information on how to display it (like Word, Excel, etc.)

9 XML syntax Element Tags
Start tag, end tag, and data Tags Tags use angled brackets <> End tags must have the same name as the start tag, but are prefixed with a / <example>data</example> Tags are case sensitive so you can’t end an <example> with </Example> Comments <!-- comment tags do not need an end tag -->

10 XML Import Data Ribbon->From Other Sources->From XML Data Import

11 Custom XML imports File->Open->Select XML File
Choose “Use the XML Source task pane” Drag elements to the desired cells Right click on the XML area, XML->Import and select the XML file again Excel will import the data in the format you laid out

12 charts Charts are visual representations of data.
Important Chart Terms Chart Area: entire chart Plot Area: area where data is displayed Title: brief description of chart X-axis: labels and scale or category Y-axis: labels and scale or category Legend: labels for colors used

13 Types of charts Column/Bar Charts Line Charts Pie Charts Area Charts
Clustered Stacked 100% Stacked Line Charts Simple Pie Charts Simple Exploded Pie Pie of Pie Bar of Pie Area Charts Like line charts, but area below line is filled Scatter Plot

14 More chart types Stock Charts Surface Chart Doughnut Chart
High-Low-Close Open-High-Low-Close (candlestick) With or without volume (how many shares were traded) data Surface Chart 3D plot of two variables per category Doughnut Chart Like pie chart, but can show multiple data series Bubble Chart Like scatter chart, but shows three variables. The 3rd variable controls the size of the bubble Radar Chart

15 Next Class Creating Charts Editing Charts Moving Charts
Chart Layouts and Styles Printing Charts Sparklines Trendlines


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