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Commedia Dell’Arte By Taylor Maj, Elizabeth Croy, Hannah Sawyer, and Talya Ireland.

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1 commedia Dell’Arte By Taylor Maj, Elizabeth Croy, Hannah Sawyer, and Talya Ireland

La Mandragoia, published by Machiavelli was one of the earliest plays with commedia like characters. Commedia Dell'Arte is a form of theater characterized by masked types. Each stock character were all involved in attributes, out of all the stock characters only two didn’t wear mask. Pedrolino and Innamorati

Pantalone was rich, greedy, and merchant. He had to deal with people trying to steal his gold. He was a moon struck dreamer(clown).

4 ARLECCHINO Arlecchino is very, very poor. He was very creative to try to survive. He had a wild, cat like mask. He always carried a colorful bat or a wooden sword.

5 INAMORATO He was called “Lovers Class.” They were selfish, they only cared about themselves. They only related with their servants when they were asking for help.

6 ZANNI Zanni was a astute servant and a trickster. Also he grew up from the countryside, who became a popular figure in the fourteenth century.

7 BRIGHELLA Brighella is Arlecchino’s brother. He is the smart but evil brother. He also does anything for money. His character is blinded by greed. Zanni is also the servant of Brighella.

8 Il Dottore His mask is shows that he has full knowledge of science, since he is a doctor. He was a member of any academy that he could find.

9 FACTS: Performances took place on some stages that could be in city streets, but mostly it court venues Developed between the 16th and 17th century after Italy, troops influenced 6 other different countries Commedia Dell'Arte is a Italian comedy. There was no elaborate sets in Commedia Dell’Arte. There were stages that were frequently used for temporary outdoor structures.

10 http://www. youtube. com/watch

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