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The Progressive Movement ( )

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Movement ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Movement (1900-1916)

2 The time period that called for extreme measures to bring about change.

3 4 Goals of Progressives:
Promote Moral Reform Improve Personal Behavior Protect Social Welfare Improve City Life Create Economic Reform Improve workers’ lives Improve Factory Efficiency Raise Production

4 Goal 1: Promote Moral Reform (a.k.a., Improve Personal Behavior)
The People involved: Carry Nation Anti-Saloon League Women’s Christian Temperance Union Favored the Prohibition of Alcohol

5 Goal 2: Protect Social Welfare (a.k.a., Improve City Life)
The People Involved: Jane Addams YMCA, YWCA Salvation Army Helped newcomers adjust in cities

6 Goal 3: Create Economic Reform (a.k.a., Improve Workers’ Lives)
The People Involved: Muckrakers Ida Tarbell Upton Sinclair Exposed the Corruption of Business

7 Goal 4: Improve Factory Efficiency (a.k.a., Raise Production)
The People Involved: Henry Ford Applied Scientific Principles to Business Management

8 Quiz Time! Name the people who wanted to improve city life.

9 Who helped apply scientific principles to business management?

10 What year did the progressive movement begin?

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