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Latin America In the 20th Century.

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1 Latin America In the 20th Century

2 Themes in Latin American History
Imperialism s: European quest for 3Gs Created racial and economic inequality Independence Movements (1790s-1820s) Toussaint L’ouverture, Bolivar No land redistribution

3 Themes in Latin American History
Military dictatorships Diaz, Santa Anna No land redistribution U.S. economic interests lead to political and military involvement Monroe Doctrine (1823) Roosevelt Corollary (1904) = U.S. could interfere in LA politics at any point

4 Themes in Latin American History
Democratization (beginning late 1980s & 1990s) Civilian governments in Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico

5 Location Mexico Central America South America The Caribbean

6 Geography Location = Mexico, Central America, South America, the Caribbean Mountainous = Andes Mountains River Systems: Amazon River River de la Plata

7 Brazilian Rainforest:
Dense, hot and humid Natural barrier deforestation Pampas = grassy highlands in Argentina used for cattle grazing and wheat

8 Building of the Panama Canal


10 Causes: Need for shorter route to west coast Panama was province of Columbia Columbia refuses to sell land Panama independence movement

11 Effects Canal takes 10 years to build 1000s die of diseases Canal opens in 1914


13 Drug trafficking within US
Political Instability Manuel Noriega is dictator Drug trafficking within US

14 1989 US invasion to remove Noriega
sentenced for 40 yrs plus another 40 in Panama

15 Argentina 1930s economic depression High unemployment
falling world beef prices

16 1946-1955 Juan Peron as president Economic Changes
Urban working conditions, nationalize natural resources limit foreign investment import substitution Programs lead to debt

17 Lack of political rights
Brown Shirts 1970s two military coups cause political instability


19 Argentina’s Dirty War “First we will kill all of the subversives; then…we will kill all of their sympathizers; then…those who remain undecided, and finally we will kill the indifferent ones.” –General Iberico Saint-Jean, May 26, 1977

20 1976-1983 Military regime launches policy of state terrorism
Military arrested, tortured and killed 1000s Desaparecidos: “disappeared ones”; up to 36,000

21 Madres de la Plaza de Mayo
silently march holding pictures of disappeared children Protest gains international attention Gov’t admits wrong-doing


23 1983 democratic gov’t voted into power
Goals: control military, restore human rights, rebuild economy Has not admitted to all deaths

24 Argentine high court tosses amnesty laws; Hundreds could be tried for crimes in Dirty War!
(August, 2005)

25 45 military officers and one civilian are sought to stand trial for crimes against humanity

26 Guatemala 1951 Jacobo Arbenz leads revolt
redistributed unused gov’t and foreign company land to rural poor Considered communist by US US companies pressure gov’t US and Guatemalan invasion ousts Arbenz

27 Effects Military regime friendly with US investors takes power
civil war and military dictatorships 1985 civilian gov’t elected and wider democratic participation in the 1990s

28 Who was ruling? How did they rule?
Who came into power and changes they made U.S. reaction 1980s-1990s

29 Cuba

30 Cuban Revolution (1959) Causes: Batista = dictator supported by US
US involvement in economics Large gap between rich and poor Want of land redistribution

31 Effects: Fidel Castro comes to power
Improved literacy, health care, conditions of women Suspended elections, jailed/executed opponents, harsh censorship Nationalized US businesses

32 Bay of Pigs Invasion (1960) CAUSES: Increasing tensions with US
Kennedy = US President US trained Cuban exiles to invade & overthrow Castro Expect Cubans aid invasion

33 EFFECTS: Initial bombing has little effect Invading exiles captured Castro declares himself communist U.S. trade embargo against Cuba

34 3. Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

35 CAUSES: US spy plane finds USSR ICBMs in Cuba Kennedy demands Khrushchev remove missiles U.S. blockades Cuba

36 EFFECTS: 13 days of near nuclear war Khrushchev removes missiles Kennedy removes some bases in Turkey Cuba becomes politically and economically tied to USSR

37 4. Obstacles to Progress Ties to USSR
a. When USSR falls, Cuba declines --poverty --Economic Reforms a. Adding some capitalist elements

38 Political Oppression US trade embargo lack of food and medical supplies Immigration a. “boat people” b U.S. Closed Door Policy

39 Obstacles to Progress in Cuba
Cuba politically/economically tied to USSR a. When USSR falls, Cuba declines b. poverty c. Adding some capitalist elements Political Oppression US trade embargo lack of food and medical supplies To remain until change in political system Immigration a. “boat people” b U.S. Closed Door Policy

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