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Transit performance management and STIP / TIP Coordination

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1 Transit performance management and STIP / TIP Coordination
Welcome and intro

2 Why are we here Discuss needed coordination among ODOT/MPOs/Transit Agencies regarding: Transit Agency performance management State of Good Repair (SGR) targets and Transit Asset Management (TAM) Plans MPO transit SGR targets MPO performance management TIP planning documentation Outcome: Maintain ODOT/MPO/Transit ability to finance new/amended projects through Ohio STIP/TIP MPO TIP/STIP Coordination

3 Roles & Responsibilities
Transit Agencies: Establish SGR and TAM Plan MPOs: Establish regional SGR targets & prepare required TIP planning documentation. Example: NOACA must coordinate TAM Targets with 5 transit agencies (inclusive of ODOT through tier II) and NOACA’s role as the 5310 direct recipient ODOT: Serve as Tier II Sponsor & serve as US DOT Ohio STIP/TIP coordinator Each of us: Coordinate/collaborate on above processes with each other MPO TIP/STIP Coordination

4 Transit Performance Management Dates
January 1, 2017: Transit Agency initial SGR targets were due July 1, 2017 MPO SGR targets were due October 1, 2018: Transit Asset Management Plans are due ODOT/MPO/Transit TIP amendments cannot be approved until MPO TIPs reflect transit TAM Plan and SGR target outcomes ODOT quarterly STIP/TIP amendment MPO STIP/TIP Coordination

5 MPO TPM Planning Documentation
Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP): Description of the anticipated effect of the TIP toward achieving the TAM performance targets Recommended documentation for the MPO Identify respective TMP state/MPO/transit targets Narrative describing how TIP projects will contribute to target achievement TIP consistency with asset management plans, SHSP, HSIP, CMAQ performance plan, CMP, etc. MPO STIP/TIP Coordination

☐ I certify my agency has developed and adopted the required performance targets for all rolling stock, equipment, facilities, and infrastructure. ☐ I certify I have shared my agency’s performance targets for all rolling stock, equipment, facilities, and infrastructure with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) that governs my agency’s service area in time to be included in the MPO’s TIP for the October 1 STIP Amendment. ☐ I certify I have provided a narrative to my MPO for the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on my agency’s TAM performance targets and measures and how my agency will achieve those targets to be added to the MPO’s TIP in time for the October 1 STIP Amendment. ☐ I certify my agency will implement a Transit Asset Management Plan in accordance with 49 CFR part 625. MPO STIP/TIP Coordination

7 Wrap up & Future look Transit Agencies & MPOs should be collaborating now to ensure timely approval of October 1, 2018 STIP/TIP amendment. Transit Agencies and MPOs to Begin Coordination for Transit Agency’s (5307) Safety Plan . Targets are Due XXXXXX MPO STIP/TIP Coordination

8 Questions ? MPO STIP/TIP Coordination

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