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KS1 Maths Parent Workshop

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1 KS1 Maths Parent Workshop
While you are waiting, can you explain which one is the odd one out? b) c) = = 11+9=

2 Discuss any positive and negative experiences of maths when you were a child.

3 Fixed and growth mindsets
We believe that everyone can improve their maths…when they put in the effort and work at it. *try not to praise children for being clever when they succeed at something – praise them for their efforts. ‘Cleverness’ is a trait perceived as an absolute and something which cannot be changed. * children then learn to associate success/achievement with effort.

4 If children hear ‘I can’t do maths’ from parents, teachers and peers they begin to believe it isn’t important and acceptable to be ‘rubbish at maths’.

5 Number – addition and subtraction Number – multiplication and division
Years 1 and 2 Number and place value Number – addition and subtraction Number – multiplication and division Number – fractions Measurement Geometry – properties of shapes Geometry – position and direction Statistics (year 2 only) The curriculum is designed so pupils explore maths in depth. This means developing their mathematical thinking, understanding and language. Learning is deeper, not higher! We work at an appropriate, rich pace. How do you know…? Prove it! Can you show me…? Can you show in a different way?

6 Points to note and how to help:
Using the right language: -Hundreds, tens and ones -Number sentences (not sums) -Digits not numbers should be read ‘sixty add forty’ not ‘six add four’ - Try to avoid saying “add 0 at the end” Setting out calculations horizontally, not vertically. Practise number facts, doubles/halves, counting, times tables. Number formation. Counting with money.

7 Useful websites: BBC Supermovers – KS1 Topmarks ICTgames

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