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What is the World Wide Web (www)

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1 What is the World Wide Web (www)
© EIT, Author Gay Robertson, 2017

2 What is the World Wide Web …
The World Wide Web is a collection of web sites you can access through the internet Web sites are related web pages that show multi-media (text, graphics, sound and motion) Web sites written in HTML language are available on the Internet These are known as Web sites on the World Wide Web The www is NOT the Internet

3 The www is NOT the Internet
Navigate on the WWW … Use ‘hyperlinks’ to jump from webpage to webpage or open eg a video Web pages on the www are accessible when you key in a URL (or web address) When you view a web page, it is being sent to you by a server The www is NOT the Internet

4 Server serves up the pages …
A server is a powerful computer permanently connected to the Internet It ‘serves or sends’ web pages and other files to clients A user (you and your computer) are known as a client

5 www is user friendly … Browsing or Surfing
The world wide web, the graphical portion of the Internet, is the most popular part of the Internet by far Navigating through pages of information based on what interests you at that particular moment is commonly known as Browsing or Surfing

6 It’s also called a web address
How do I get to a web page? Key a URL A WHAT?? It’s also called a web address

7 Web address … A web address has a technical name – it is called a URL
Uniform resource locator A web address looks like this Let’s break down the URL or web address …. to show how it follows Standard User Protocol

8 Standard User Protocol …
The standard or set of rules that manages data transfer between computers It is the communicator that enables computers to understand and work together If you don’t follow the rules data cannot transfer So the URL must be correctly set up and keyed?

9 http … ‘hypertext’ transfer protocol (allows the transfer of hypertext files from one computer to another computer across the World Wide Web) Hypertext files are written in HTML language

10 www… www Says this is a page on the World Wide Web containing text, graphics, video and sound, which uses hyperlinks to jump from page to page

11 … is the Domain name of the owner of the web address (eit), the company or organisation type (ac), the country (nz) The USA doesn’t identify country eg Many different organisation types eg .ac is for academic, .co is for company, .govt is for Government

12 Where do I key a web address …
In your browser, in the address bar

13 So how does that go? The client on a computer connects using an ISP
Uses web browser software Goes to www address to view web pages Uses a search engine to find something Connects to a server Web page is downloaded from server to client

14 Revision from NZCC2 Using a Web browser

15 What is a Web browser … A web browser is an end-user program that you need to use to view web pages and ‘browse’ websites which are made up of multiple web pages Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, FireFox, Android (Dolphin) Browser are the most popular browsers

16 Address Bar and Toolbar


18 Add to Favourites - Internet Explorer

19 Add to Favourites - Google Chrome

20 History - Internet Explorer

21 History - Google Chrome

22 Open a new tab - Internet Explorer

23 Open a new tab - Google Chrome

24 Close your web browser - Internet Explorer

25 Close your web browser - Google Chrome

26 Use Help features - Internet Explorer

27 Use Help features - Google Chrome

28 Esc to finish For more help and information:
For more help and information on your browser: Esc to finish

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