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Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Energy

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1 Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Energy
Presenter: Marissa Moore| 22 March 2012

2 Local government fiscal framework
Transfers and Grants Municipal own revenues Direct transfers Operating revenues Equitable share & RSC levy replacement grant Municipal operating budget Rates and taxes Service charges National / provincial operating grants Sources of capital funding Surplus / cash-backed reserves Municipal borrowing National / provincial infrastructure grants Municipal capital budget Indirect transfers Chapter 3 Intergovernmental relations and the local government fiscal framework

3 Local government fiscal framework
The whole local government fiscal framework is designed to finance municipalities, including the municipal electricity distribution function Need an appropriate balance between own resources, grants and borrowing Free basic electricity to the poor is funded through equitable share, including increases in bulk electricity prices Need an appropriate balance between investing in new infrastructure and maintaining existing infrastructure Tariffs to be used to fund new infrastructure and maintenance for services provided to non-poor households Indigent policies to be appropriately targeted towards the poor and such cross-subsidisation be explicit

4 Local government fiscal framework
Transfers by type, 2006/ /13 Massive real growth in national transfers Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations Three-year allocations and payment schedules for national and provincial transfers (DoR Act) Improved in-year financial monitoring Significant policy reforms Support in planning and budget reform R3bn spent on Siyenza Manje between 2007 and to provide hands-on support to municipalities Additional support through conditional grants Targeted capacity and systems support

5 Local government fiscal framework
Demand for capital infrastructure remains high National transfers provided 51% of capital funding in 2010/11 External loans contributed 20.7% as a funding source in 2010/11. This is down from 24.9% in 2006/07. Scope for further growth in private capital funding Lending dominated by the DBSA

6 Performance Municipal budgets must be funded and realistic
Depleted cash reserves – operating at the absolute margin General under-pricing of municipal services – bankrupting municipalities Revenue projections are unrealistic – not based on requirements of the MFMA Operating expenditures are too high – driven by non-priority spending Capital budgets are too ambitious Maintenance of existing assets needs urgent attention Lack of key technical skills – qualified managers, engineers and technicians Weak asset management systems Spending on repairs and maintenance inadequate to maintain assets Maintenance spending is reactive, and so is more costly than planned maintenance Own funding of capital budgets needs to increase Increased grant reliance, and reduced own funding of the capital budget Tariffs and operating budgets not making provision to fund capital Municipalities (other than metros) not adequately leveraging private finance to fund economic infrastructure

7 Performance Municipal own contribution to capital spending
Municipal own contribution to capital expenditure, 2006 to 2012 Municipal own contribution to capital spending Get the basics right to ensure revenue value-chain is complete Integrity of billing information, accuracy of billing systems and ability to collect Revenue management In December 2010, municipalities were owed a total of R62.3 billion. This represents an increase of 10.8% from the same month in 2009 Debts Municipalities not following the Systems Act principles for tariff setting On average, tariffs must reflect the cost of rendering the service Under-pricing of services Cutting spending on maintenance will have a disastrous impact on the reliability of services Repairs and maintenance Less than 50% of total capital spending

8 Performance

9 Basic Services share on LGES

10 Integrated National Electrification Programme
Approximately household connections per annum; 6 bulk substations, 10 additional substations upgraded, 350 km of medium voltage lines constructed, 200 km o f existing medium voltage lines upgraded. Total allocation over the MTEF Municipalities R4.2 billion and ESKOM R6 billion

11 Free Basic Energy Free Basic Services was announced in 2000 and Electricity Basic Services Support Tariff (EBSST) Policy was introduced in 2003 An allocation of 50kWh per month be provided to all poor households connected to national electricity grid in both Municipal and Eskom areas of supply LG Equitable Share (LGES) formula targets four basic services Electricity, water, sanitation and refuse (also environmental health) Number of poor households with (full allocation) or without access to basic services/infrastructure (partial allocation) Poor household currently defined as households with incomes of ≤R800 per month (2001 Census data) R6.7b was added to LGES over baseline for the 2010 MTEF for electricity bulk increases - Secret -

12 Free basic services A municipality’s ability to provide basic services to poor households rests on three pillars: Providing access through building infrastructure to connect households to services Maintaining access by ensuring infrastructure is properly maintained to prevent breaks in supply Subsidising consumption through municipalities’ free basic services policies,

13 Free Basic Electricity
Household access improved households + 6.2% households FBE Operating revenue grows at above 20% per year in line with increases in the bulk price of electricity Expenditure grew at 26.7% per year between 2006/07 and 2009/10 Budgeted capital expenditure on electricity increases from R4.7bn in 2009/10 to R5.7bn in 2011/12, before declining to R4.9bn in 2012/13 Compared to 2010/11, municipalities’ budgeted capital investment in electricity declines by 14% in 2011/12 and again by 7% in 2012/13 Expenditure R15bn in 06/07 to R59bn in 12/13 Chapter 9 Electricity

14 Free Basic Electricity
Province Number of Munic R940 R1100 R1880 other Western Cape 30 1 13 14 Eastern Cape 45 6 15 Northern Cape 32 3 12 Free State 25 2 5 4 9 KwaZulu-Natal 61 21 North West 11 Gauteng 7 Mpumalanga Limpopo 16 Total 283 8 81 88

15 Inclining Block Tariffs
Subsidised electricity provision (inclining block tariffs) Costs recouped at higher levels of use through the increased tariffs The inclining block tariff result in the tariff for poor customers declining by 8 % compared to the 2009/10 tariff and 18 % in 2010/11 On 24 February 2010, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) took a decision to introduce the inclining block tariff (IBT) to electricity consumers in South Africa. NERSA’s decision was in support of Government’s priority of protecting the poor. The main feature of IBT is that it makes higher consuming customers pay a higher rate for electricity while a lower consuming customer benefits from a lower rate. IBT will thus generally result in the higher consuming customers cross-subsidising the lower consuming customers.

16 Inclining Block Tariffs
The IBT is structurally no-cost-reflective. The average cost of supplying a customer decreases as consumption increases and hence an inclining-block tariff where the tariff rate increases as consumption increases Cost implications, especially where the existing metering infrastructure cannot accommodate these tariffs. Majority of municipalities use pre-paid meters for their customers and having to move to conventional meters in order to accommodate the inclining block tariff will put an additional burden on municipal budgets. Concerns have been raised by a number of municipalities that the IBT structures and levels approved under each structure, are putting their ability to provide the municipal electricity service on a cost reflective basis at stake, which could have serious ramifications on the overall viability of municipalities, larger ones in particular, given the importance and size of this service.

17 Inclining Block Tariffs
National Treasury is of the view that a revised IBT proposal for domestic customers needs to be practical and sustainable, and ideally adopt a differentiated framework approach, rather than prescribing a specific IBT tariff structure. It is also important that any proposed IBT is fully aligned to the principles set out in the South African Electricity Supply Industry: Electricity Pricing Policy ,2008, including the principle that electricity tariffs must be cost reflective and that any cross-subsidies should be explicit. Although NERSA indicates that the IBT process is subject to consultation (February 2012), the application of a benchmark could have adverse implications on municipalities’ financial stability. The benchmark approach promotes uniformity; but has the potential to undermine efforts to ensure tariffs are cost reflective in line with the Electricity Pricing Policy. The alternative approach would be wherein each municipality discloses its cost structure (along the lines of the formula) and indicates the tariff increase that it proposes based on its individual cost structure (See Comments on D-Form process). Benchmarking has the potential to result in those municipalities with more efficient cost structures being able to charge higher tariff increases provided they can justify, while those with more expensive cost structures could be placing their financial sustainability at risk if they use the benchmark increases.

18 Inclining Block Tariffs
Although NERSA indicates that the IBT process is subject to consultation the application of a benchmark could have adverse implications on municipalities’ financial stability. The benchmark approach promotes uniformity; but has the potential to undermine efforts to ensure tariffs are cost reflective in line with the Electricity Pricing Policy. The alternative approach would be wherein each municipality discloses its cost structure (along the lines of the formula) and indicates the tariff increase that it proposes based on its individual cost structure Benchmarking has the potential to result in those municipalities with more efficient cost structures being able to charge higher tariff increases provided they can justify, while those with more expensive cost structures could be placing their financial sustainability at risk if they use the benchmark increases.

19 , Thank You


21 Operational Revenue

22 Operational Expenditure

23 Capital Expenditure

24 Capital Expenditure Continue

25 Performance

26 Size of LG equitable share

27 Free Basic Electricity

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