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Jeopardy Violence,Mayhem and War Leaders Class Party Stuff Q $100

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1 Jeopardy Violence,Mayhem and War Leaders Class Party Stuff Q $100
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Leaders
“Friend of the People” whose newspaper Instigated the September massacres.

3 $100 Answer from Leaders Jean Paul Marat

4 $200 Question from Leaders
Ex-Slave who led the first successful slave revolt.

5 $200 Answer from Leaders Toussaint L’Ouverture

6 $300 Question from Leaders
The “Incorruptible”

7 $300 Answer from Leaders Robespierre

8 $400 Question from Leaders
The Great “Liberator”

9 $400 Answer from Leaders Simon Bolivar

10 $500 Question from Leaders
He led the first wave of the Mexican Revolution

11 $500 Answer from Leaders Father Miguel Hidalgo

12 $100 Question from Violence
His execution allowed the birth of the French Republic

13 $100 Answer from Violence Louis XVI

14 $200 Question from Violence
The destruction of this prison was the first act of violence in the French Revolution.

15 $200 Answer from Violence The Bastille

16 $300 Question from Violence
He was executed by the leader of his own Jacobin Party for daring to call for an end to the Terror.

17 $300 Answer from Violence Danton

18 $400 Question from Violence
His hundred day comeback ended badly At Waterloo

19 $400 Answer from Violence Napoleon Bonaparte

20 $500 Question from Violence
The party life ended for the King and Queen Of France when they were attacked in their Home and forced to relocate by the women Of Paris during this famous march.

21 $500 Answer from Violence The Women’s Bread March

22 $100 Question from Class The 3 classes in France were known
As the ______________.

23 $100 Answer from Class Estates

24 $200 Question from Class Highest Class in Latin American Society

25 $200 Answer from Class Peninsulares

26 $300 Question from Class Which class would you expect most
Revolutionaries to come from? Lower Middle Upper

27 $300 Answer from Government

28 $400 Question from Class Class that paid all of the taxes in French
Society before the Revolution

29 $400 Answer from Class 3rd Estate

30 $500 Question from Class The Second Estate in France was
Composed of who?

31 $500 Answer from Class The Clergy

32 $100 Question from Party The political moderates of the French
Revolution were the____________

33 $100 Answer from Party Girondists

34 $200 Question from Party The Radicals Party of the French
Revolution was the __________

35 $200 Answer from Party Jacobins

36 $300 Question from Party Someone who opposes all change is known
As a______________

37 $300 Answer from Party Reactionary

38 $400 Question from Party The Congress of Vienna is representative Of:
Moderates Reactionaries Radicals

39 $400 Answer from Party Reactionaries

40 $500 Question from Party The French government that suspended
The constitution and created the terror was known as ________________

41 $500 Answer from Party The Committee of Public Safety

42 $100 Question from Stuff The motto of the French Revolution

43 $100 Answer from Stuff Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood

44 $200 Question from Stuff The document created by the National
Assembly that declared basic human rights in France.

45 $200 Answer from Stuff Declaration of the Rights of Man
And of the Citizen

46 $300 Question from Stuff Napoleon created this to establish
Law and order. It granted equality before The law but put the state before The individual.

47 $300 Answer from Stuff Napoleonic Code

48 $400 Question from Stuff The only independence movement
In Latin America that was nonviolent Took place in _______________

49 $400 Answer from Stuff Brazil

50 $500 Question from Stuff Napoleon’s Army in Haiti was
Destroyed by ___________

51 $500 Answer from Business Yellow Fever

52 Final Jeopardy

53 Final Jeopardy Answer

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