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Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

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1 Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Content Planning of ambient air measurements – General rules Investigations of traffic related air pollutants in key polluted areas Determination of air quality characteristics of stationary emission sources Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

2 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Ambient air quality measurements are carried out in order to achieve specific objectives with regard to air quality characteristics (e.g. limit values) within a given area or at specified locations. The main purpose of these measurements is generally to find out the effects of air pollutants on objects to be protected (human health, vegetation, ecosystem). Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

3 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Planning the Measurement: Analyzing of the task description Specifying the requirements for the organization measuring techniques measurement strategy evaluation quality assurance report Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

4 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Examples of tasks: Measurements in accordance with EU-Guidelines Investigation of the initial load Investigation of traffic-related air pollution in residential areas Investigation of the temporal and spatial distributions of air quality characteristics in urban areas Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

5 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Investigations of air quality characteristics in cases of complaints Investigations of the proportions from a significant source to the air quality within a given area Investigations of air pollution to verify whether harmful effects on objects to be protected are anticipated Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

6 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Location of measuring points I Within the measuring area, measuring points shall be established in places where the ambient air standards are exceeded humans may be continuously exposed to air pollution over a long period of time and where threshold values of the EU-guidelines are likely to be almost reached or exceeded any other adverse effect of air pollution on the environment are to be expected Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

7 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Location of measuring points II The objective of the measurements is to provide a uniform assessment of the current air pollution situation and trends in the measuring area to determine the nature and extent of air pollutands which may have adverse effects on the environment to answer (with reasonable certainty) the question if there is a risk that threshold values will be exceeded Therefore, measuring points should be established in places in which the highest level of environmental pollution is assumed. Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

8 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Location of measuring points III The distance between the measurement station and the next major flow obstacle shall amount to less than double the height of the obstacle or the width of the obstacle. In order to minimize the effects of local sources, the distance from industrial and domestic sources and from highly frequented roads shall be at least 20 metres. In case of industrial sources it must be checked, if the minimum distance is sufficient. Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

9 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Location of measuring points IV In order to ensure a free flow around the sampling system obstacles (trees, buildings, etc.) are not allowed to be within 10 meter. Sampling at lateral surfaces of buildings must be avoided in principle. An interference of the measurement station by local circulation, dependent on topography, must be ruled out – as far as possible. Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

10 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Standard Cases: preliminary measurements monitoring measurements Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

11 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Preliminary measurements: Providing first indications of the level of expected concentrations Verifying the selection of measurement sites for carrying out monitoring Verifying decisions on the necessity of monitoring Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

12 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Requirements to quality of results Use of type-approved measuring instruments Calibration by an accredited test laboratory Determination of the measuring uncertainty Determination of uncertainties of results Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

13 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Measurement techniques: Data Quality Objectives of EU-guidelines Standard Operational Procedures Calibration Methods Determination of the measurement uncertainty (Comparison with reference standard) Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

14 Representative Measurements of Air Quality
Measurement Strategy: Specification of measurement sites Selection of sampling method Specification of times of analysis Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

15 Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Conclusion The training and our guidelines on „Representative Measurements of Air Quality“ are an application aid to everyone involved in the planning, performance or evaluation of ambient air quality measurements. The guidelines can be used as a reference for formulating performance specifications for the investigation of air quality. Bernd Heits Representative Measurements – AQ-Workshop Bucharest, July 2008

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