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Team Kermit Sandra Bailey

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1 Team Kermit Sandra Bailey
Curtis Abel WPI JD Yoder ONU Buddy Clark Andy Gerhart Jose Lugo Harold Fried

2 Seven Elements The class is voluntary
2) Students create a physical artifact 3) Student work is motivated by a real problem 4) Students apply broad perspectives to their work 5) An open process is applied to create solutions 6) The course environment contains an interdisciplinary mix of students 7) The number of students in the class is small

3 Brainstorm (list all ways are/might use)
Electives Co-curricular activities Required courses that are offered by more than one instructor Co-op experience

4 Brainstorm (list all ways are/might use)
Term/weeks abroad programs that solve local problems - experiential / service-learning courses “summer camp” immersive experiences from multiple universities - creative problem solving (external partners, site visits, etc.) WPI junior level experience Students don’t do enough interdisciplinary, problem-based work in small groups

5 Brainstorm (list all ways are/might use)
Big class, single discipline, required might still be able to motivate (what if we can only check 2-3 of these characteristics) Some things cannot be controlled (core courses cannot do #1, #6) Weekend design challenges Important Question - what makes a course required?

6 Brainstorm (list all ways are/might use)
“Agency” or “choice” might be better word than “volunteer” Any project that involves the community (don’t always have to go abroad) Get students out of the classroom - field research, be the customer, be the observer, be the interviewer, be the consultant

7 Brainstorm (list all ways are/might use)
Barriers: Senior-level required design course can do this with design examples taught by TED talks Hardest element to incorporate might be interdisciplinary for core courses Big classes - break into smaller teams Physical artifact - documentation, data, legislation, business plan, design portfolio sometimes prototype

8 Our Idea Offer course pairings (separately enrolled) to mix different disciplines that don’t need to meet together all the time Steal Bryan’s idea: off-site course (or like ENGR 290) Utilize semester breaks for 1-week experiential courses Course at sea Try to get the characteristics into distribution courses (in A&S College) Negotiations course! Format of case-study negotiation, but even better find “live” problems for negotiation - need a psychology prof - need perspective of stakeholders. Consider difference of interest (why) and position (what). Read “Getting Past No” 7x7x7 pitch. Supplier/buyer negotiations: Price, terms & conditions, length of contract, volume. Reflection can be an artifact

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