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Marketing to State Entities

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1 Marketing to State Entities
2009 Procurement Connection Seminar & EXPO Marketing to State Entities


3 Statewide HUB Program’s Mission
The mission of the Statewide HUB Program is to facilitate the use of HUBs in state procurement, and to effectively provide information on the state's procurement process to minority and woman-owned businesses.

4 Agenda Research Internal The State The Pitch In Person
Print Communication Track Your Outreach and Marketing Efforts How to Download the HUB Coordinators Contact List

5 Research – Internal Step 1 Take a honest look at your business
and clearly identify what your business provide. Step 2 What are some alterative uses for the product or service you provide.

6 Research – The State Step 1 Read the Vendor Guide Step 2
Search the HUB Report

7 Vendor Guide The Comptroller’s Vendor Guide is
available online and helps vendors better understand the state of Texas purchasing process.



10 The HUB Report Provides Semi and Annual Report of the expenditures of State Agencies and Universities Assist to identify entities to target marketing efforts Identify Potential Allies/Partners

11 On the left hand side is a hyper link for HUB Reporting

12 On the right side is a hyperlink for the latest HUB Report
On the right side is a hyperlink for the latest HUB Report. For this demonstration we will look at the FY 2008 semi-annual report

13 The Executive Summary of the Report provides a wealth of information on the state’s expenditures

14 The first chart provides the Statewide Total Expenditures for FY 2006 - 2008

15 The Executive Summary of the Report provides a wealth of information on the state’s expenditures

16 This is the list of the state’s four digit Object code that the state uses to make payment. Note: These are not Class and Item Codes. For the demonstration we will chose 7256 Architectural/Engineering Services. Note: These are not Class and Item Codes




20 The Pitch Be Confident Establish yourself as an authority in your area
Be Clear What are you able to provide Be Concise In one sentence, what do you provide? Be Compelling What are some “Attention Getter” words within your industry that you are able to provide? Ex: Industry- Janitorial “Attention Getter” Green Products Are there alterative uses

21 The Pitch – In Person You are a successful business 1st and HUB Vendor 2nd Build a rapport with the entity’s contact Have a Game Plan What are your main points about your company What do you really want to know from that representative

22 The Pitch - Print Communication
Business Card Include an indicator of what your business provide Include an address Focus on one topic What action do you want them to take? Is it error free? Mailings

23 Track Your Outreach and Marketing Efforts
Agency Name Contract or Spot Purchases Important Dates, e.g. contract expiration

24 The State HUB Coordinators
The HUB Coordinator is the HUB vendor’s door into doing business with a state agency or university


26 This page will provide general description of an HUB Coordinator
This page will provide general description of an HUB Coordinator. Below the first paragraph is a hyperlink titled “HUB Coordinator List”

27 This will provide a list of state agencies and universities

28 Their profile will indicate the contact information for several positions, including Agency Head.

29 If you scroll down you will find the HUB Contacts

30 To download the complete HUB Coordinator list, Choose the hyperlink “Click here for download versions

31 Choose the file hubcords.dat

32 From you browser choose save as.

33 Save the document as an Text File

34 Open an next excel document and open the file you save
Open an next excel document and open the file you save. Ensure you look in all files.

35 For step 1 of 3 of the Text Import Wizard simply choose next

36 For step 2 of 3, select the comma field under delimiter and then choose finish

37 This will provide a complete database of the HUB Coordinators and other contacts.

38 Questions

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