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Are You Ready for School? A FRESH START! Mrs. Freshour.

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Presentation on theme: "Are You Ready for School? A FRESH START! Mrs. Freshour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You Ready for School? A FRESH START! Mrs. Freshour

2 Welcome This school year marks my 34rd year of teaching! I am very excited about working with young people and look forward to getting to know you.

3 Class Website I have developed a class website that includes information about the class and many of our fabulous class recipes. Assignments and recipes will be posted on the website during the school year. Go to, click on student resources. Once on the student resource page you will find my website listed. You will be required to locate and use the website during the school year. Lets go there now!

4 Communication Please contact me in one of the following ways: Email: Phone: 547-1700 ext. 13408 I check my email many times during the day and this is the most effective way to contact me. I check my voicemail once in the morning and afternoon. I will make every effort to respond to your email/phone calls in a timely manner. Grades: Please check your grades at the school website, Your login information was given to you at registration.

5 Lab Fee There is a lab fee of $40.00 due on September 4, 2009. This fee will cover the cost of supplies for the school year. Please pay this fee in the main office before school or at lunch and bring the receipt to me. I will record your receipt number and return the receipt to you. This is your proof of payment. Do not bring the check to me! Let me know immediately if there is a problem paying by this date. Let me know immediately if there is a problem paying by this date.

6 Attendance Policy Attendance is very important in a lab/activity class. Excessive absences and tardiness can impact your grade. 30% of each assignment in class is based on class productivity. This includes participation, cooperation, and punctuality. You must be present and on time to earn these points. If you are absent and or tardy you can not make up this % of your grade. Productivity make-up assignments will be offered to all students and is a way to earn back some of the productivity points lost due to illness (excused absences only). However, students with excessive absences will not be given productivity make-up points.

7 Tardiness! Local business and industry require their employees to be on time for work! One of the most challenging aspect of hiring high school students is to find responsible, reliable, and punctual employees. You are required to be to work and class on time! A loss of productivity points will occur each time you walk in tardy. The third time you are tardy detention will be assigned. Excessive tardiness (beyond 3) will result in a referral to the administration. Remember, your boss will probably fire you for being late!

8 Grading Policy Grades in this course are based on the amount of point earned. Points will be earned the following ways: Tests, Quizzes, Class Assignments, Guest Speaker Presentations, Class Presentations, Projects, Lab Work, Class Discussion Assignments and tests missed due to excused absences must be made up within one week. Any work turned in late will be worth half credit. No work will be accepted after 4 weeks.

9 Do not eat food during class. On days we cook, eating food is ok! You may drink water during class but do not leave your empty bottles behind. Use our filtered water… bring your own container. Sorry I do not have containers or ice :/ No Food in Class!

10 Classroom Management I believe students should be held responsible for their behavior. These classroom rules will be enforced. Be in class on time. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Listen to the instructions the first time. Do not curse or use profanity. Have all materials and supplies ready to use when the bell rings. Follow all safety procedures. No cell phone, iPods, personal computer use in class.

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