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“_________ is the yardstick by which all other _______ are measured”

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Presentation on theme: "“_________ is the yardstick by which all other _______ are measured”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “_________ is the yardstick by which all other _______ are measured”
Put this quotes into your own words Provide examples:

2 LEQ: What makes Watergate the scandal by which all others are measured?
What is Watergate? What makes Watergate so bad?

3 The Yardstick Read the article “Yardstick” and create a timeline of 8 events of the Watergate scandal Put timeline on board

4 N5-5: Watergate Nixon’s Characteristics- driven, win at all cost, manipulative, lacked trust Negative Products: Wiretapping White House Officials- Information leaked to New York Times The Plumbers: Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy- stop the leaks!

5 Watergate CRP- Committee to re-elect president
Function: whatever it takes to re-elect the president

6 The Burglars 5 burglars caught- James McCord was in CREEP/ had $ on him that was traced to CREEP G. Gordon Liddy & Howard Hunt Controlled w/ walkie talkies

7 Original Cover-Up Nixon contacts CIA, tells Jeb Magruder to stop investigation- of National interest Nixon wins in 1972 Cover-up works intitially

8 Watergate: The Cookie Crumbles
Leak to Washington Post Bob Woodward and Harold Bernstein FBI director Mark Felt- informant

9 Investigation Led to Committee in Senate-Led by Sam Ervin
Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox was appointed to case McCord opened floodgate of confessions John Dean- revealed that Mitchell and Nixon were involved in cover-up- Mitchell resigns- Kleindist appointed Whitehouse aid Alexander Butterfield- revealed Nixon’s taping system


11 Firings Haldeman, Erlichman, Kleindienst, Dean all fired to protect Nixon.

12 Watergate Told Nixon to turn over tapes/ Ervin accepts written commentary, Cox persistent, wants the tapes

13 “Saturday Night Massacre”
Nixon tells A.G. Richardson to fire Cox -Richardson and his Chief Deputy resign - Nixon appoints Robert Bork as A.G and he fires Cox

14 Supreme Court U.S. vs. Nixon 1974
Nixon must hand over tapes No one is above the law Nixon turns over tapes Tapes reveal 18 minute erasure, which is obstruction of justice

15 Nixon Resigns HOR subcommitte votes to impeach President, before it gets to the HOR floor….. Nixon resigns. Aug, 8, 1974

16 Nixon’s Out!

17 To Pardon or Not? Gerald Ford becomes President
Must decide to offer Pardon or not

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