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N. Chin Lai An abbreviated version of Living Oceans

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Presentation on theme: "N. Chin Lai An abbreviated version of Living Oceans"— Presentation transcript:

1 N. Chin Lai An abbreviated version of Living Oceans

2 220k

3 Upgrade

4 World on the Edge Lester Brown

5 Mission for Cluster 3 - to save humanity -
“Civilizations exist by geological consent, subject to change without notice” .

6 Mission for Cluster 3 - to save humanity -
Human activities and our impact on the environment have inadvertently been changing climate.

7 Food Shortages

8 Anthropogenic Impacts
1.1 Agriculture 1.1.1 Fishing 1.1.2 Irrigation 1.1.3 Meat production 1.1.4 Palm oil

9 Anthropogenic Impacts
1.2 Energy industry 1.2.1 Biodiesel 1.2.2 Coal mining and burning 1.2.3 Electricity generation 1.2.4 Nuclear power 1.2.5 Oil shale industry 1.2.6 Petroleum 1.2.7 Reservoirs 1.2.8 Wind power

10 Anthropogenic Impacts
1.3 Manufactured products 1.3.1 Cleaning agents 1.3.2 Nanotechnology 1.3.3 Paint 1.3.4 Paper 1.3.5 Pesticides 1.3.6 Pharmaceuticals and personal care products

11 Anthropogenic Impacts
1.4 Mining 1.5 Transport 1.5.1 Aviation 1.5.2 Roads 1.5.3 Shipping 1.6 War

12 A 44 year measurement of carbon dioxide
60% increase in those years over the base year of 1958 a 1.36% average yearly increase over four decades

13 Water Management

14 Right Planet Not too big or small: gravity Plate tectonics Molten metallic core Right Location Not too far or near the Sun Modest size sun: 109 yrs Right Time Modern atmosphere KT extinction

15 Climate System


17 Population Growth

18 What is Oceanography? The scientific study of the ocean and its inhabitants
Subdisciplines Marine geology & geophysics Marine chemistry or chemical oceanography Physical oceanography Biological oceanography & marine biology Applied ocean science or ocean engineering Marine policy and laws Marine Biology, Marine Ecology and Biological Oceanography? Marine Biology – the biology & physiology of marine organisms Marine Ecology – interaction of organisms with their environment & mass or energy cycles within ecosystem Biological Oceanography – interdisciplinary ecological discipline; focused on the ecology of the ocean, the interaction between organisms and their environment with aspects of marine chemistry, geology and physics 

19 SIO Fisheries Chemical oceanography Ocean Engineering
Marine geology Marine geophysics Chemical oceanography Physical oceanography Marine policy and laws Biological oceanography Marine biology Ocean Engineering SIO Marine Chemistry Applied ocean science Fisheries

20 Show me the ! 2009                                                                                                                                                              Anymore than this won’t buy more happiness

21 Water: elixir of Life 75% body 85% brain 92% blood

22 Callisto: Jupiter Ganymede: Jupiter Moon Enceladus: Saturn Mars Venus Practically almost all heavenly bodies have some form of water

23 Outer layer of around 100 km thick vs 4000m average ocean depth


25 Five Kingdoms vs 3 Domains
Ingestion Photosynthesis Absorption Phylogeny: RNA Carl Woese, 1990 Robert Whittaker, 1969

26 Classifications Linnaeus 1735 2 kingdoms Haeckel 1866 3 kingdoms
Chatton 1925 2 Groups Copeland kingdoms Whittaker kingdoms Woese et al kingdoms Woese et al Domains (not treated) Protista Prokaryote Monera Eubacteria Bacteria Archaebacteria Archaea Eukaryote Eukarya Vegetabilia Plantae Fungi Animalia

27 How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed - Ecocide > nuclear war or emerging disease – Ignorance and Arrogance Deforestation & habitat destruction Tropical forest gone in 30 yrs – 50 million acres/yr Soil problems (erosion, salinization, fertility) Water management Overhunting & overfishing Effects of introduced species on native species Human population growth Increased per-capita impact of people Human-caused climate change Toxic chemical buildup Don’t flush medicine Energy shortages Full human utilization of the Earth’s photosynthetic capacity 1 acre up to the 90 yard line

28 Oceanic vs Continental Islands

29 Continental Drift : Plate Tectonics
Capt. Robert Scott


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