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The citizens’ experience

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Presentation on theme: "The citizens’ experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 The citizens’ experience
GM Devolution and Health & Social Care November 2016

2 Local voices on a GM platform
Taking Charge Together Jan – Mar 16 Useful information? Public Health & Wellbeing Behavioural change Decommissioning vs self care & prevention

3 The new normal Healthier Together Improvement or mitigation?
Remote services & pathways Access & transport Transformation plans Integration of health with care Equality Impact Assessment

4 Patient group feedback
Trend analysis Patient group feedback Wicked issues/ hot topics Statutory initiatives

5 Once the issue has been identified, each community champion is briefed on the background and rationale for gathering more information from local people

6 Forums Drop-ins Networks Other organisations

7 Their feedback is received by the hub and analysed for any commonalities and underlying themes

8 These are reported upon and sent back to the sources which will hopefully inform and enable action

9 Any questions?

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