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Major Supreme Court Decisions

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1 Major Supreme Court Decisions
The Warren Court Major Supreme Court Decisions Chapter Section 1

2 Learning Objective: Understand the social conditions taking place at the time Earl Warren made his decisions. Understand the importance of the “Warren Court” rulings and how they affect you.

3 The Warren Court Overview
The Warren Court had a major impact on the United States. During the 1960’s the Supreme Court took an active role in social issues. President Eisenhower elected Earl Warren (Republican governor of Ca.) as Chief Justice of the U.S. and he took an activist stance, helping to shape national policy by taking a forceful stand on a number of key issues of the day.

4 The Warren Court Reapportionment Due Process Prayer & Privacy
Civil rights

5 One Man - One Vote Reapportionment
Reapportionment = the way states draw districts based on changes in population By More people lived in cities & suburbs than in rural areas Districts had not changed to reflect population shift

6 District Issues: Rural County = 2,340 voters = 1 Rep. in State Assembly Urban County = 311,220 = 7 Rep. in State Assembly Vote of city dweller counted for less that rural resident

7 Warren Court Ruling SC Ruled in “Reynolds vs. Sims” - Current system unconstitutional States need to “Reapportion” all districts so all citizens votes would have “Equal” value. (One man = One Vote)

8 Due Process In the 1960’s - Supreme Court used the 14th Amendment to apply the Bill of Rights to the States Most States had their own Bill of Rights but many “Federal” rights did not exist at the State level 14th Amendment “No State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

9 Due Process Due Process - The law may not treat individuals unfairly, arbitrarily, or unreasonably Ensure all people are treated the same by the court system

10 Due Process Cases: Mapp v. Ohio - SC - ruled that State courts could not consider evidence obtained in violation of the Constitution Gideon vs. Wainwright - People have a right to a lawyer - no matter the ability to pay Miranda vs. Arizona - Required authorities to give for warning of rights - known as the “Miranda Rights”

11 Prayer & Privacy SC - handed down decisions concerning Church & State
Engal vs. Vitale -SC 6-1 State could not compose official prayers in public school Abington School Dist. vs. Schempp - SC 8-1 -Ruled against State mandated Bible readings in public school Griswald vs. Connecticut - Prohibiting sale and use of birth control violated citizens rights

12 Civil Rights Cases: Loving v. Virginia – States may not ban interracial marriage Brown v. Board of Education – segregation of public schools is unconstitutional

13 In Closing The Warren Court rulings delighted many and deeply disturbed others. What most people did agree on is that the court played a pivotal role in shaping the country’s national policy. The New York Times stated that the Warren Court “Has brought about more social change that most Congresses and Presidents”. - Anthony Lewis NY Times

14 Freedom of Religion/Speech
The Warren Court Civil Rights Court Cases found on pages 1. Brown vs. Board 2. Heart of Atlanta vs. U.S. Due Process Freedom of Religion/Speech 1. Mapp vs. Ohio 2. Gidion vs Wainwright 3. Miranda vs. Arizona 4. Escobedo vs. Illinois 1. Engel vs. Vitale 2. Abington School District vs. Schempp

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