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How US Family & Private Wealth Management Offices Explore and Participate in Canadian Investment Opportunities Gd moring, L & G, - It is my utmost pleasure.

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Presentation on theme: "How US Family & Private Wealth Management Offices Explore and Participate in Canadian Investment Opportunities Gd moring, L & G, - It is my utmost pleasure."— Presentation transcript:

1 How US Family & Private Wealth Management Offices Explore and Participate in Canadian Investment Opportunities Gd moring, L & G, - It is my utmost pleasure to welcome you to Canada, the exciting land of opportunities for immigrants- investments and innovation. Has total debt of $ 600 bill equivalent to Mkt Cap of Apple 3 months ago. To us it a great insurance of wealth protection. My keynote speech today is not fancy numbers, statistics and structured document. It is to share our practical experience of how we started our family office, how we originated and created wealth, our wealth preservation tactics, succession planning and philanthropic strategy which we integrated into social entrepreneurship . Thanks to our friend Dean of Rotman School Roger Martin and learning to apply integrative thinking to create this unique framework of family office un Social Entrepreneurship platform. This 2 minute clip will give you insight our perceptive. Firoz Shroff Idea Sponsor and Founder International Business Consortium Inc. Jeffrey Lam VP, Project Development

2 The Story of the Blind Man Social Entrepreneurial (SE) Mindset
Our Scenario The Story of the Blind Man When we are control by traditional environment and uncertainties prevail it is important to get an outsider with new mindset to assist to change the strategy in our family office to provide new dimension to wealth preservation and to bring new perspectives How We Apply Social Entrepreneurial (SE) Mindset to Family Office To Originate Wealth

3 Our Mindset for Family Office
Conventional Our Model Family Wealth Family Seed/Hybrid Capital ($1M) Ladies and Gentlemen – The mindset of FO to provide hybrid capital of $ 1 mill what we all call seed capital to tie up transactions is very entrepreneurial but socially driven. We call it hybrid - Highest yield by rotating innovative and intelligent dollars dollars integrated with our founders/ancestors entrepreneurial vision and capacities to “originate” wealth. Turn the HYBRID capital with SE mindset to create mega return not 100% in 5 years but 100 times. I will give you example of our thinking we apply to create this mega return. This allows us to share returns and pay hefty fees and share profits with professionals. The new perspective is to invest very little up-front money to tie up a mega-value asset. – The lady create a ecosystem for the blind man without giving a dollar but applying her intellectual capital to change the profit dynamics. This model will opens up a whole new world of involvement and opportunities for you and your clients. I can take an oath it certainly has. Invest Founder's Entrepreneurial Capacity Induct Founder's Entrepreneurial Capacity to Originate Pay Fees & Share Return ($..M) Pay Fees Conventional Return Mega Return ($100M+ in 5 years)

4 Benefits of Our Model 1. Little Investment, Mega ROI 2. Little Risk
3. Tax Planning Through Philanthropy 4. Succession of Founder‘s Intellectual Wealth 5. Succession of Social Wealth Through Goodwill High Return, Low Risk, Philanthropy & Succession Coming Together 1 Minimal capital investment for max return 2 Little financial risk 3 Minimize tax liabilities via Philanthropy – York University 4 Contribute to society – explain 5 Pass intellectual capacity to future generations – explain

5 1% Financial Seed/Hybrid Capital
SE Deal Making Process 1% Financial Seed/Hybrid Capital ($1M) Intellectual Acquisition of Asset Our deal making process visualizes everything AS A PROFIT CENTRE THROUGH INNOVATIVE thinking and approach - one examples Due diligence is deal designing time 1.We intellectually source assets that have mega intrinsic values than through intelligent process extract the value to benefit all stakeholders 2.We then apply strategy to tie up the asset with minimum deposit and the longest closing time possible 3.We optimize our time, using the due diligence period for deal designing 4.In deal designing, we innovate by inducting our International Entrepreneurial experience, Intellectual Capital, integrative knowledge, Social Attributes and various other value adding assets. 5.These, in turn, infuse the marketing, sales, sourcing partners to take partial exit strategy etc 6.Bringing all these elements together, we actualize the real values in the tied-down asset. 7.The Social Partnerships are embodied in our Intellectual Capital that transcend generations and exponentially boost the Entrepreneurial/Business Partnership. 8.Compare this to the ‘blind man’ video: the passer-by gave the man no money at all. She “only” gave him a little time, and a new sign! And that time and new sign dramatically increased the man’s monetary value/cash-flow! 9. In the next step, we find a financial partner to provide funding to close the deal 10.The money that the partner provides is literally more than the value of the property we bought 11.We offer the incoming partner upto 24% interest in the project 12.Our agenda in this first project phase is to make profit + control the property with no debt. 13.In the second project phase – we find large institutions for more equity- public listing and bring development partner with design, build, operate and manage expertise. Payback + profit at first stage Intellectual Value Creation 99% Intellectual Social Capital & Goodwill Attract Financial Partners Entrepreneurial Integration - Add business dimensions to asset e.g. Wellness Retail Entertainment Senior homes Residential Social Partnership - Add social dimensions to asset e.g. Government Hospital University UN Childcare Attract JV Partners Mega Return ($100M+)

Education Intellectual Empowerment of Family Experience of Founder Venture Financing Unsecured Loan 2. SUCCESSION PLANNING Network 1. WEALTH PRESERVATION OBJECTIVES FUNDING Social Entrepreneurship Fund Wealth Creation Seed Capital Mega Return Social Partnership Endowment Apprenticeship 3. PHILANTHROPY How OUR FAMILY OFFICE MODEL OPERATES It operates under Social Entrepreneurship Fund which is source of Funding for Ventures. FOM 3 major objectives Empowerment of coming Generation - As apprentice – Education- Venturing – Access to Network – pledge to follow founders experience Wealth Creation - Expansion through Deal Origination Social Partnership – Philanthropy Empowerment Motivate kids to create a business – to create wealth and play social part – Wealth is responsibility

7 BORDER – selling a new business Model change bookstore to Knowledge store – 4 parts books- computer day care – senior empowerment center – 4 generation of traffic with elimination of loneliness. Newton is example of loneliness – Cohesive living - Short the stuck MWD – land acquired for $ 13 mill long closing – Non refundable $ 1 mill deposit closed in July plus $ 5 mills operation cost - obtain 100% financing on valuation of $ 39 mill. – built equity of $ 21 mill – Negotiating 1/3 partnership to sale $ 13 mill with a buyback in 5 years at $ 25 mill – will retain 100 % at the end of the day until merger with PLC - 2nd stage look for development partner to build 2 mill sq ft approved in secondary plan – selling price $ 500 generating $ 1 bill in revenue – Forecast profit of $ 200 mil in 5 years - Tax payer invested $ 500 mill to expand hospital – community center etc Theme as Markham Wellness District have added in last 3 weeks International Club and China Culture and Trade Center with Hong Kong PLC Mkt Cap $ 6 bill company as well as HCN USA Mkt cap $ 15 bill looking to spinoff a new company Wellness District Development Inc – It is large play and validates $ 1 to $ 100 mill in 5 years with experiential capital Niagara learned from Markham - Activated related purchase not time related - pay from the sales – pay as we sale so flexibility – investment in marketing dollars via 3rd party JV- building Bollywood Club and Taipan club – one advantage application for immigration to Canada is included in the price Membership plan payment over 15 years cycle – Membership down payment $ 9900 – 40 $ 999 when ready $ 50K loan guaranteed for 10 years at 5% interest rate. – Allows circuit to se clubs worldwide at 1500 locations. Management by ClubCorp/Ragatz type operator

8 "Wealth is when small efforts produce big socioeconomic results which we can share. Poverty is when big efforts produce small socioeconomic results with nothing to share." - Firoz Shroff SHARING And Q & A Firoz Shroff Jeffrey Lam Office #: ** You can also find this slide on the event CD. The presentation video will be available at request.

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