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Chapter Menu Lesson 1: Determining Position

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2 Chapter Menu Lesson 1: Determining Position
Lesson 2: Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Lesson 3: Graphing Motion Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding lesson.

3 On Page 47, copy the statements under Target Your Reading (1-10) and write an “A” for Agree or “D” for Disagree in the left column.


5 1.1 Determining Position reference point vector displacement

6 Essential Question: How can you describe your location so anyone can find you?

7 Position and Reference Points
1.1 Determining Position Position and Reference Points Position is defined relative to a reference point and reference directions.

8 Position and Reference Points (cont.)
1.1 Determining Position Position and Reference Points (cont.) Three things must be included: A reference point, or starting point used to describe the position of another object A reference direction that describes which way to move in relation to the reference object A distance from the reference point

9 Position and Reference Points (cont.)
1.1 Determining Position Position and Reference Points (cont.) The flagpole can be used as a reference point for finding the bicycle.

10 Describing the Reference Direction
1.1 Determining Position Describing the Reference Direction A plus sign (+) indicates movement in the direction of the reference point. A minus sign (–) indicates movement in the direction opposite of the reference point. The description of an object’s motion also depends on the reference point chosen.

11 1.1 Determining Position Position as a Vector A vector is a quantity in which two things must be specified: Distance from the reference point Direction from the reference point

12 Positions in Two Dimensions
1.1 Determining Position Positions in Two Dimensions Objects that do not move in straight lines require two reference directions. A car traveling from San Diego to Sacramento doesn’t move in a straight line.

13 Showing Positions with Two Directions
1.1 Determining Position Showing Positions with Two Directions In this map of a city, the art museum is located 360m west and 90m south of the bus station.

14 1.1 Determining Position Changing Position The change in an object’s position is called its displacement. Displacement is the difference between a starting point and a finishing point. Displacement includes a size and a direction. Displacement is a vector.

15 Changing Position (cont.)
1.1 Determining Position Changing Position (cont.) Direction of displacement is the direction from starting point to end point. Size of displacement is the distance from the starting point to the ending point.

16 Distance and Displacement
1.1 Determining Position Distance and Displacement

17 Displacement is a(n) ____ because it has both size and direction.
1.1 Determining Position Displacement is a(n) ____ because it has both size and direction. A speed B velocity C vector D acceleration A B C D Lesson 1 Review

18 Position is defined relative to ____. A a reference point and a vector
1.1 Determining Position Position is defined relative to ____. A a reference point and a vector B displacement and reference directions C a vector and reference directions D a reference point and reference directions A B C D Lesson 1 Review

19 Which of the following statements is true?
1.1 Determining Position Which of the following statements is true? A Displacement and distance traveled are always the same. B Displacement and distance traveled are never the same. C Distance traveled is the direction of the of the displacement vector. D Displacement and distance traveled are the same if the direction does not change. A B C D Lesson 1 Review

20 End of Lesson 1

21 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
constant speed instantaneous speed average speed velocity acceleration

22 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Speed, velocity, and acceleration describe how an object’s position and motion change through time.

23 Speed (cont.) Rates measure change in something over a length of time.
1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Speed (cont.) Rates measure change in something over a length of time. Speed is the rate of change of distance over time.

24 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Constant Speed An object moving at constant speed travels the same distance each second. This hurdler is moving at a constant speed of 5m/second.

25 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Changing Speed A car driving in town must slow down and speed up, therefore its speed is not constant.

26 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Changing Speed (cont.) The car’s speed at any given time is called its instantaneous speed. An object moving at a constant speed has the same instantaneous speed at all times.

27 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Average Speed Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time. If you know any 2 of the variables, you can calculate the missing variable. What is the relationship between distance, average speed, and time?

28 Velocity Velocity is the speed and direction of a moving object.
1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Velocity Velocity is the speed and direction of a moving object. Speed is the rate of change of distance with time.

29 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Velocity (cont.) Velocity is a vector because it has both direction and size. The size of a velocity vector is the speed.

30 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes with time. Acceleration

31 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
Acceleration (cont.) The horses on the carousel are constantly accelerating and changing direction, so they are constantly changing velocity even though their speed remains constant.

32 Acceleration is the rate of change of ____. A velocity B speed C time
1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Acceleration is the rate of change of ____. A velocity B speed C time D direction A B C D Lesson 2 Review

33 A car stopping at a red light is and example of a(n) ____.
1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration A car stopping at a red light is and example of a(n) ____. A displacement B acceleration C direction D velocity A B C D Lesson 2 Review

34 1.2 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
It takes a runner 42.1 s to run a distance of 150 m. What is the runner’s average speed? A 0.28 m/s B 3.56 m/s C 1.75 m/s D 6.31 m/s A B C D Lesson 2 Review

35 End of Lesson 2

36 1.3 Graphing Motion slope rise run

37 Graphs Graphs can show how objects change position or speed.
1.3 Graphing Motion Graphs Graphs can show how objects change position or speed.

38 1.3 Graphing Motion Position-Time Graphs Graphs often show how something changes with time. This graph shows how temperature changes with time in Santa Barbara, California.

39 Making a Position-Time Graph
1.3 Graphing Motion Making a Position-Time Graph This table shows how far a turtle has moved after an amount of time.

40 Making a Position-Time Graph (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Making a Position-Time Graph (cont.) Plotting the time on the x-axis and plotting the distance the turtle has moved on the y-axis creates the graph. You can draw a line through the points and use it to estimate the turtle’s position at a given time.

41 Units on Position-Time Graphs
1.3 Graphing Motion Units on Position-Time Graphs Each number has units associated with it. Position has units of length like cm, m, or km. Seconds, minutes, and days are units of time.

42 Slope of a Position-Time Graph
1.3 Graphing Motion Slope of a Position-Time Graph The steepness of a line on a graph is called the slope. The steeper the slope, the faster the object is traveling.

43 Slope of a Position-Time Graph (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Slope of a Position-Time Graph (cont.) On a position-time graph, a steeper line means a greater average speed.

44 Calculating Slope from a Position-Time Graph
1.3 Graphing Motion Calculating Slope from a Position-Time Graph To find the slope of a line, the origin and another point are used to calculate the rise and the run.

45 Calculating Slope from a Position-Time Graph (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Calculating Slope from a Position-Time Graph (cont.) rise run slope = Rise is the change in vertical direction. Run is the change in horizontal direction.

46 Slope and Average Speed
1.3 Graphing Motion Slope and Average Speed Average speed is the total distance divided by the total time elapse to travel that distance. Rise is equal to the distance traveled. Run is equal to the time elapsed needed to travel that distance. Average speed is equal to the slope of the line on a position-time graph.

47 Position-Time Graphs for Changing Speed
1.3 Graphing Motion Position-Time Graphs for Changing Speed Only objects with a constant speed will have position-time graphs with a straight line.

48 Position-Time Graphs for Changing Speed (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Position-Time Graphs for Changing Speed (cont.) To find the average speed of the entire trip, use the starting and ending points.

49 Position-Time Graphs for Changing Speed (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Position-Time Graphs for Changing Speed (cont.) Then calculate the slope of the line that would connect those points.

50 1.3 Graphing Motion Speed-Time Graphs Graphing instantaneous speed of an object shows how the speed of an object changes with time. Constant speed on a speed-time graph is a horizontal line because the speed does not change.

51 Speed-Time Graphs (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Speed-Time Graphs (cont.) If an object speeds up, the plotted line slants up towards the right.

52 Speed-Time Graphs (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Speed-Time Graphs (cont.) If an object slows down, the plotted line slants down towards the right.

53 Speed-Time Graphs (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Speed-Time Graphs (cont.)

54 Position-Time and Speed-Time Graphs
1.3 Graphing Motion Position-Time and Speed-Time Graphs

55 Position-Time and Speed-Time Graphs (cont.)
1.3 Graphing Motion Position-Time and Speed-Time Graphs (cont.)

56 End of Lesson 3

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