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Let’s talk about the books

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s talk about the books"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s talk about the books
What is the book about? Let’s talk about the books Explain three important concepts/words/ideas you learned with the book? Did you like it? Why?

2 Writing – (A short article about a theme park or national park)
1. Think about a theme park or national park you have ever visited? 2. Complete the following organizational map Facts about the place Geographical features - location Outdoor activities (or other activities) Name of the place History Recommendations for visitors Other things that come to your mind when you think about the place

3 3. Decide the topics and the organization of your article
For example: History Location and geographical features Facts Outdoor activities Recommendations 4. Start writing these paragraphs 5. Ask two partners to read the paragraphs and help you with corrections

4 6. Make the corrections of your article.
7. Write creative subtitles for your paragraphs (short phrases). 8. Pass the article to one of the recycling sheets of paper 9. Publish your article 10. Read!

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