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Vasileios Vlachakis 03/05/2006

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Presentation on theme: "Vasileios Vlachakis 03/05/2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vasileios Vlachakis 03/05/2006
Numerical Investigation of turbulence characteristics in a tank agitated by a Rushton impeller Vasileios Vlachakis 03/05/2006

2 Computational Grid The computational grid consists of 450,000 cells
Grid surrounding the impeller (The unsteady Navier - Stokes equations are solved) Outside grid (The steady Navier - Stokes equations are solved) View from the top 3Dimensional View

3 Normalized Radial velocity
The flow can be described as A radial jet with two recirculation regions in each side of the tank The coordinate axis have been normalized with the tank diameter while the radial velocity with the tip velocity (Utip) Contour plot of the radial velocity superimposed with streamlines

4 Normalized Z-Voricity
The figure shows a slice on the Z plane exactly at the height of the impeller (z=0) The trailing vortices behind the blades can be seen as well as the vortices that form behind the baffles Contour Plot of the z vorticity superimposed with Streamlines

5 Streamlines in different slices
Streamlines at Streamlines at

6 Y- Vorticity Trailing Vortices at y/Dtank=0.167
(exactly at the end of the blades) Trailing vortices at the 1st blade Trailing vortices at the next blade

7 Iso Z-Vorticity around
the impeller Z isovorticity behind the baffle

8 Turbulent Kinetic Energy
Non dimensionalized TKE at the impeller plane (z=0) Non dimensionalized TKE at x=0 slice

9 Normalized Dissipation Rate
Normalized Dissipation rate at blade plane Normalized Dissipation rate at plane Between two blades (30 degrees angle)

10 Dissipation rate in the entire tank
As we show in the previous slide the dissipation rate has its maximum value at the end of the blades but it has a high value near the baffles where the radial jet impinges on the wall

11 Iso surface of helicity

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