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Journal Questions 1). What was the name of the Republicans who wanted to punish the South after the Civil War? 2). What political group wanted to make.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Questions 1). What was the name of the Republicans who wanted to punish the South after the Civil War? 2). What political group wanted to make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Questions 1). What was the name of the Republicans who wanted to punish the South after the Civil War? 2). What political group wanted to make peace with the South? 3). What battle did the U.S. earn a major victory during the War of 1812?

2 Name that Robber Baron








10 Labor Struggles During the Gilded Age

11 Working Conditions


13 Working conditions Long hours (up to 14 hours a day)
Unsafe working conditions Low pay (averaged $500/year, average person needed $600/year to live) No benefits (if you are injured or killed – that’s too bad) Child labor

14 Why were companies able to do this?

15 To protest, workers began to form unions
Unions = An organization that protects workers’ interest

16 Knights of Labor = The first labor union
What happened to the Knights of Labor

17 Haymarket Strike

18 Two Types of Unions Craft Union Trade Union
Is a union of workers that have a particular skill (ex. Cigar Makers Union) Is a union of workers in a general field (ex. Railroad workers union)

19 Two Labor Leaders Eugene V. Debs Samuel Gompers
Mr. Socialist, he wanted to bring socialism to America He began the International Workers of the World (IWW) Headed the American Federation of Labor It was a craft union

20 Tools workers can use to get their way
Strike= Workers refuse to go to work Mediation = A third party tries to work out the problem between the company and the workers

21 Arbitration= A third party has power to settle a dispute between the company and the workers (ex. A judge) Closed Shop = Workers must promise to be a member of a union to get hired

22 Tools the company can use against the workers
Yellow-dog Contract = You promise to never join a union when you are hired Blacklist = You are placed on a “Do not hire list”

23 Scabs = People hired to work during a strike
Lockout = The company shuts down if workers are threatening to strike Injunction = Court orders workers back to work

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