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Mike Becher and Wolfgang Rehm

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1 A Module Extension to OpenPBS: Principles, Implementation and Experience
Mike Becher and Wolfgang Rehm Computing Center of the University, Chemnitz University of Technology Department of Computer Science, Chemnitz University of Technology Reporter: P . J . L 2007/12/05

2 Outline 1 Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Analysis of OpenPBS 4 Concept 5
Conclusions 5 P . J . L

3 Abstract If the application of OpenPBS is planned in an AFS environment (Andrew distributed file system) Design of a modular extension of OpenPBS Module-Implementation for the safe forwording and usability of an AFS-Token P . J . L

4 Introduction OpenPBS “ Portable Batch System ”
Manage access to nodes for a large group of different users in fair manner P . J . L

5 Introduction ( Cont. ) The idea to forward a password is rejected due to of two reasons Forwarding a password might lead to a security problem Independence from password changing is desired P . J . L

6 Analysis of OpenPBS Steps followed by a job requiring two nodes
P . J . L

7 Analysis of OpenPBS ( Cont. )
Job creation by user Create a job that requires two nodes P . J . L

8 Analysis of OpenPBS ( Cont. )
Job submission Submits his job with qsub command All checks are successfully passed → job is now in state ‘queued P . J . L

9 Analysis of OpenPBS ( Cont. )
Job scheduling Batch server sends a message to the scheduler, pbs_sched Debit balance and actual of batch environment it talks with pbs_mom, Machine Oriented Mini Daemons (MOM) P . J . L

10 Analysis of OpenPBS ( Cont. )
Job stage in Batch server will transfer the job to a master MOM This master MOM gets this job P . J . L

11 Analysis of OpenPBS ( Cont. )
Job execution Master MOM also gets a list of sister MOM’s from the batch server Will be ‘queued’ again . Only if it is flagged as ‘rerunable’ P . J . L

12 Analysis of OpenPBS ( Cont. )
Interactive job The pbs_mom opens a bidirectional connection to the waiting qsub command of the user to establish a console connection P . J . L

13 Concept AFS token extension AFS token forwarding and extension scheme
P . J . L

14 Concept ( Cont. ) At batch server site AFS token should be stored like all other relevant job data Batch-System should only know the data file name but not its size At pbs_server site the AFS token lifetime should be monitored P . J . L

15 MOM must set the AFS token of a job
Concept ( Cont. ) AFS token extension MOM must set the AFS token of a job Before it tries to receive data at time of ‘ stage-in ’ Before it begins with the process of job execution P . J . L

16 This process should monitor AFS token lifetime at MOM site
Concept ( Cont. ) AFS token extension This process should monitor AFS token lifetime at MOM site It is done by the pbs_server process The additional process at batch server site P . J . L

17 Conclusions We successfully migrated from the existing system to the secure version of AFS token forwarding and extension module to solve our security problem with clear text token forwarding P . J . L

18 Thank You !

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