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DevOps & Continuous Delivery
Accelerating the delivery of value to the business David Myers February, 2013
Mobility, big data, analytics, social collaboration and cloud are creating a new wave of business opportunities and IT challenges accelerates its reporting process from 20 days to several hours and cuts reporting costs by 50 percent New Era Analytics, Mobile and Social Platforms Customer Insight through Social Anaytics increased Site revenue from product recommendations by 70% Web, e-business and SOA Transactio n Systems Interconnected Solutions Action at real time speeds Processing occurs NOW !!! Business impact visualized Action taken immediately Strategic and Tactical differentiator Through more than 50 years of IT evolution, we have seen major shifts in computing architectures enabled by technology improvements and driven by business needs to leverage these technologies to gain competitive advantage. Major inflection points have moved us from traditional mainframe processing to distributed client-server computing and then to the pervasiveness of the world wide web as a vehicle to deliver and leverage large scale electronic business models. The latest inflection point has been enabled through the simplification of cloud computing delivery frameworks fueled through pervasive mobile device access and intelligent physical infrastructure to accelerate content delivery and data collection directly with consumers. The resulting explosion in data has enabled businesses in leveraging analytics to dynamically configure content to target preferences and tune their relationships with customers. Social computing has changed the nature of business interactions and is giving rise to new delivery methods. Web prices change hourly Amazon price targets you based on purchase history and location Mobile banking growing to 46% of populace by 2017 Multiple Applications Some shared data Post Processing in Warehouses Batch Processing Time to Business Action Dedicated Systems Single Database Managed one Solution Time 1960- 1990- 2010- 2 2 2 2 2
New era systems integrate existing operational systems with rapid delivery of new client-facing apps
Social, Local, Mobile Smart Infrastructure Analytics Much of this innovation is starting to be enabled by new “systems of engagement” that leverage ubiquitous cloud computing models, pervasive tooling and mobile access to bridge traditional IT “systems of Record” to drive interactions closer to the customers and leverage relationships that are enabled by this shift. The opportunity to capture markets through optimized customer interaction is driving rapid innovation and iteration in the cloud leveraged by these new systems. At the same time infusion of intelligence in physical assets such as automobile, building systems, electrical utilities and traffic control systems, require models that can more easily scale to collect data and deliver content. CRM HR Legacy DB ERP Manage workloads and maintain security Rapid innovation in the cloud User experience and mobile management 3 3 3 3 3 3
The need for continuous delivery
IBM INNER CIRCLE 2012 4 File Name Here.ppt 3/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/2017 The need for continuous delivery Significant pressure on business to: Innovate to create new business value by employing cloud, mobile and social channels and leveraging big data - Systems of Engagement Integrate with transactional systems - Systems of Record Balance speed with risk, compliance and quality Continuously deliver software-driven innovation and business value 4
Different application components evolving at different speeds
Use the Pace-Layered Application Strategy to Guide Your DevOps Strategy – Gartner, Oct 2012
Impact of evolving customer and market expectations
User Experience Today Emerging Primary Workload Type Systems of Record (Transactional) Systems of Engagement (+ Record) Big Data, Analytics, Mobile/Social Channels Delivery Model Planned Incremental (DevOps) Development and Operations Team Sizes 100s and Costly 10s with built-in DevOps automation Release Frequency Months to Years Days to Weeks, based on business opportunity Integration Frequency Weeks Continuous Infrastructure Deployment Days Minutes Time to Value Opportunistic Operational Model Systems Management Built into application, Recovery Oriented Computing, Continuous Availability Service Sourcing Develop Consume and Assemble (Public and Private) Key Points: Business opportunity and customer insight/connection is driving the use of Cloud for systems of engagement workloads Capabilities and user experience requirements are emerging that differ significantly from our current capabilities Impacts across business & technical strategy: roles, software, solutions, infrastructure and delivery models 6
Optimization Innovation
Today IT leaders must balance the optimization of existing systems and innovation through new engagement models Optimization Innovation Focus on mobile, intelligent infrastructure, rapid development Align IT with needs of the CMO Focus on consolidation, virtualization, cost cutting Align IT with needs of the CFO The inflection point enabled by analytics, cloud, mobile access and systems of engagement models are driving then need to balance optimization of traditional systems to reduce costs and align budgets with innovation that is driven by line of business organizations focused on IT to differentiate their offerings with customers. We are seeing a renewed emphasis on the exploitation or pervasive computing to shift the focus of IT spending to be more directed by the CMO leaders over traditional CIO and CFO directions. Lines of business executives are viewing the opportunities for computing architectures in a new light: to leverage their access and differentiation to their customers over traditional views of IT as a cost center that must be endured. 7 7 7 7 7 7
Dev + Ops So what is DevOps? (Thank you…tip your waitress)
A way of re-integrating IT to deliver business value faster and better
Siloed delivery challenges
Customers Desire for fast and continuous innovation Line of Business Requirements Dev & Test Teams Code & Tests Operations Team Business Services 1st Gap 2nd Gap Addressed by... Addressed by... Dev Ops Agile Dev
Agile is not enough… Agile Dev Functional Testing Operator Acceptance Testing Production Setup (weeks) Install Test and Ops teams have increased pressures to keep up with increased loads but continue to use waterfall approaches and traditional tools. Agile builds are piling up
DevOps is… A set of principles and values that facilitate collaboration across disciplines to… Enable rapid evolution of deployed business services Reduce risk, decrease cost, and improve quality People Process Tools
DevOps Principles and Values
Collaborate across disciplines Develop and test against a production-like system Iterative and frequent deployments using repeatable and reliable processes Continuously monitor and validate operational quality characteristics Amplify feedback loops People Process Tools
How do we make this happen?
Automate everything Version everything Test everything Track and Plan everything Instrument and Audit everything Dashboard everything Track and Plan Automate Application Artifacts Application Code Runtime Environment Definition Version Dashboard Instrumentation and Configuration Test Instrument and Audit
Today’s landscape Selective and siloed solutions limit visibility across people, process and tools and create gaps in the delivery process Line of Business Software Development Test Operations Poor alignment GAP Manual handoffs GAP Big Bang Release GAP Portfolio management Business process management Big Data/Analytics Agile developer tools Build automation Continuous integration Test infrastructure automation Test Management Test Automation Cloud, virtualization Infrastructure provisioning automation App and middleware deployment automation 14
Challenges meeting market & business pressures with quality software
IBM INNER CIRCLE 2012 1515 3/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/20173/31/2017 Challenges meeting market & business pressures with quality software 41% 51% 45% experience delays in integration, configuration and testing of applications applications rolled back due to quality issues escaping into production experience delays due to troubleshooting and fine-tuning issues in production File Name Here.ppt Software Development Test Operations Line of Business GAP Up to 4-6 Weeks 3-4 Weeks Q: What do we see in industry today? A: 41% of organizations experience delays in application installs, 51% of apps rolled back due to production defect, 45% experience delays due to troubleshooting/fine tuning in production. Cycle time – 4-6 weeks to deploy code changes to deliver a simple change average time to isolate a defect
Development and Test Cloud Operational Discipline
Time is now for DevOps Trends accelerating the need for Continuous Delivery Business Agility Agile Development DevOps Development and Test Cloud Cloud Computing Production Cloud Business Agility: Influenced by economic factors, and growth Opportunities, such as, Mobile Cloud Computing: Need to support Continuous Deployment Workload Delivery and Optimization Agile Development: Continuous Integration of Changes driving the need for Continuous Testing and Deployment Operational Discipline: Adoption of ITIL Processes, and the need for standardized Service Delivery, Operational Discipline
So what is Cloud Computing?
A user experience and a business model Cloud computing is an emerging style of IT delivery in which applications, data, and IT resources are rapidly provisioned and provided as standardized offerings to users over the web in a flexible pricing model An infrastructure management and services delivery methodology Cloud computing is a way of managing large numbers of highly virtualized resources such that, from a management perspective, they resemble a single large resource. This can then be used to deliver services with elastic scaling Service Consumers Datacenter Infrastructure Access Services Monitor & Manage Services & Resources IT Cloud Component Vendors/ Software Publishers Service Catalog, Component Library Cloud Administrator Publish & Update Components, Service Templates
Traditional Dev - Ops Hand-off
Installation Instructions RedHat Linux Apache Web Server Python 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 2. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 1. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. 2. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, 3. adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. 1. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? 2. Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, 3. vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur? Next: Code/Cloud
Provisioning using Cloud
Source Control Management Source Artifacts .jsp .java .html Infrastructure as Code chef recipes .sh Next: Delivery Pipeline
Delivery Pipeline Fundamentals
Source Control Management Source Artifacts .jsp .java .html chef recipes .sh Deployable Artifacts Build, Package, & Unit Test Application Binaries & Platform Configuration Library Deploy Environment Running System
Pattern of incremental adoption
Maturity Build Automation Continuous Integration Multi-Phase Automated Testing Continuous Deploy and Release
DevOps Vision for Continuous Delivery
Systems of Record Systems of Engagement Application Release Management & Automation Build Test Integration Production Business Owners Continuous Feedback Customers Continuous Delivery Pipeline: An iterative set of quality checks and verifications that each piece of application code must pass during lifecycle phases before being released to production. We are moving up the value chain to focus on Application Release Management and Automation. The definition of a delivery pipeline that helps customers deliver new and innovative business ideas quickly with reduced risk and higher quality to their end customers. Our vision is to help automate the deployment and movement of application changes between stages that have environments that may be backed by Physical infrastructures or an IaaS provider (i.e., a Cloud provider). As we move towards supporting Systems of Engagement our platform will integrate with PaaS providers such as our own Cloud OE or other Cloud Foundry providers (e.g., AppFog). It is our goal to support both Systems of Record as well as Systems of Engagement. We expect that for many enterprise customers this will be an evolution moving from SoR to SoE and, in reality, it may be a combination. The Continuous Delivery capabilities will leverage JLIP for shared services such as security (OOATH), service admin, and reporting. The target platform choice will have an effect on the amount of automation required to deploy and configure the applications. Physical: Slow to procure and setup Requires heavy manual/automated processes and configuration Extremely difficult to manage and scale running systems IaaS Fast, programmatic provisioning times Requires manual/automated processes and configuration Better support for managing and scaling infrastructure services PaaS Extremely fast application-centric deployment and management Infrastructure managed by provider Requires very little configuration data and deployment automation As one moves from IaaS to PaaS the platform Integration with key IBM/Rational initiatives JazzHub Cloud OE IaaS PaaS Continuous Delivery Pipeline: An iterative set of quality checks and verifications that each piece of application code must pass during lifecycle phases before being released to production.
Results using DevOps Search Algorithm Release Process at Google
Release Process at Wealthfront Release Automation at Etsy Release Automation at flipkart Customer examples demonstrate that even small agile teams adopting Systems of Engagement application styles still manage releases from dev through test phases and finally into production. These examples and many other smaller (born on web) companies have one or a small number of applications with a highly tuned, custom release process. The Etsy example shows that as they matured they produced more deployments per day and, based on the red bar, many of the deployments were configuration changes versus app changes. To achieve the number of deployments per day as well as the short release cycles demonstrated here customers had to invest in automating their application releases. These numbers are not achievable with manual (error prone) processes. It is believed that as customers such as these expand the number of applications they develop and/or acquire new companies to expand their business services the custom application release processes will not easily scale to support the new applications. These customers will require the capabilities of an application release automation tooling framework to automate releases of multiple applications as well as applications composed of systems of engagement as well as record.
Examples from Etsy 2009 2012 6-14 hours 15 mins “The deployment army”
1 person Highly orchestrated and infrequent Rapid release cycle Special event – highly disruptive Commonplace – happens so often we cannot keep up Blocked for 6-14 hours, plus minimum of 6 hours for redeploy Blocked for 15 minutes, next deploy will only take 15 mins. Release branch, database schemas, data transforms, packaging, rolling restarts, cache purging, scheduled downtime Mainline, minimal linking and building, rsync, site up Slow Complex Special Fast Simple Common
30+ deploys a day… How do you build features so quickly?
Software Deploy ≠ Product Launch Deploys frequently gated by config flags (canary releases) Validate in production, hidden from public. What’s in a deploy? Small incremental changes to the application New classes, methods, controllers Graphics, stylesheets, templates Copy/content changes Turning flags on/off, or ramping up Quickly responding to issues Security, bugs, traffic, load shedding, adding/removing infrastructure. Tweaking config flags or releasing patches. No Release Manager
Where to get more information?
Enterprise DevOps blog 6 Ways for Enterprises to Adopt DevOps blog Pulse 2012 DevOps Interview
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