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Issues in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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1 Issues in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
Medium access scheme Routing Multicasting Transport layer protocol Pricing scheme Quality of service provisioning Self-organization Security Energy management Addressing and service discovery Scalability Deployment considerations

2 Medium Access Scheme Distributed operation Synchronization
The MAC protocol design should be fully distributed involving minimum control overhead Synchronization Mandatory for TDMA-based systems. Synchronization involves usage of scarce resources such as bandwidth and battery power Hidden terminals Can significantly reduce the throughput of a MAC protocol. Hence the MAC protocol should be able to alleviate the effects of hidden terminals Exposed terminals To improve the efficiency of the MAC protocol, the exposed nodes should be allowed to transmit in a controlled fashion without causing collision to the on-going data transfer Access delay The MAC protocol should attempt to minimize the delay Throughput The important considerations for throughput enhancement are minimizing the occurrence of collision, maximize channel utilization, and minimize control overhead.

3 Real-time traffic support
Fairness Equal share or weighted share of the bandwidth to all competing nodes Real-time traffic support Voice, video and real-time data require explicit support from the MAC protocol Resource reservation Such as BW, buffer space, and processing power Capability for power control Reduces the energy consumption, decrease in interference , increase in frequency reuse Adaptive rate control Variation in the data bit rate Use of directional antennas Increased spectrum reuse, reduction in interference, and reduced power consumption

4 Routing The Major Challenges of Routing Protocol are
Mobility: results in frequent path break, packet collision, and difficulty in resource reservation Bandwidth constraint: BW is shared by every node Error-prone and share channel: high bit error rate Location-dependent contention: distributing the network load uniformly across the network Other resource constraint: computing power, battery power, and buffer storage

5 The Major Requirement of Routing Protocol
Minimum route acquisition delay Quick route reconfiguration: to handle path breaks Loop-free routing Distributed routing approach Minimum control overhead Scalability Provisioning of QoS Bandwidth, delay, jitter, packet delivery ratio Supporting differentiated classes of services Support for time-sensitive traffic Hard real-time and Soft real-time traffic Security and privacy

6 Multicasting The Major Issues in Multicast Routing Protocols
Robustness recover and reconfigure quickly from link breaks Efficiency minimum number of transmissions to deliver a data packet to all the group members Minimal Control overhead QoS support Efficient group management Scalability Security

7 Transport Layer Protocols
Objectives: setting up and maintaining End-to-end connections, reliable end-to-end data delivery, flow control, and congestion control Major performance degradation: Frequent path breaks, presence of old routing information, high channel error rate, and frequent network partitions

8 Pricing Scheme

9 Quality of Service Provisioning
QoS often requires negotiation between the host and the network, resource reservation schemes, priority scheduling and call admission control QoS in Ad hoc wireless networks can be on a per flow, per link, or per node Qos Parameters: different applications have different requirements – Multimedia: bandwidth and delay are the key parameters – Military: BW, delay, security and reliability – Emergency search –and-rescue: availability is the key parameters, multiple link disjoint paths – WSN: battery life, minimum energy consumption

10 Quality of Service Provisioning
QoS-aware routing: – To have the routing use QoS parameters for finding a path – The parameters are network through put, packet delivery ratio, reliability, delay, delay jitter, packet lost rate, bit error rate, and path loss QoS framework: – A frame work for QoS is a complete system that attempts to provide the promised service – The QoS modules such as routing protocol, signaling protocol, and resource management should react promptly according to changes in the network state

11 Self-Organization An important property that an ad hoc wireless network should exhibit is organizing and maintaining the network by itself Major activities: neighbor discovery, topology organization, and topology reorganization Ad hoc wireless networks should be able to perform self-organization quickly and efficiently

12 Security The attack against ad hoc wireless networks are classified into two types: passive and active attacks Passive attack: malicious nodes to observe the nature of activities and to obtain information in the network without disrupting the operation Active attack: disrupt the operation of the network – Internal attack: nodes belong to the same network – External attack: nodes outside the network

13 Major Security Threats
Denial of service: either consume the network BW or overloading the system Resource consumption – Energy depletion: by directing unnecessary traffic through nodes – Buffer overflow: filling unwanted data, routing table attack (filling nonexistent destinations) Host impersonation: A compromised node can act as another node and respond control packets to create wrong route entries and terminate the traffic Information disclosure: support useful traffic pattern Interference: create wide-spectrum noise

14 Addressing and Service Discovery
An address that is globally unique is required for a node to participate communication – Auto-configuration of address is required to allocate non-duplicate address to the nodes – In networks frequent partitioning and merging of network components require duplicate address detection mechanisms Nodes in the network should be able to locate services that other nodes provide

15 Energy Management Transmission power management:
– RF hardware design ensure minimum power consumption – Uses variable power MAC protocol – Load balance in network layer – Reducing the number of retransmissions at the transport layer – Application software developed for mobile computers

16 Energy Management(cont.)
Battery energy management: extending the battery life by taking chemical properties, discharge patterns, and by the selection of a battery from a set of batteries that is available for redundancy Processor power management: CPU can be put into different power saving modes during low processing load conditions Devices power management: can be done by OS by selectively powering down interface devices that are not used or by putting devices into different power-saving modes

17 Scalability The latency of path-finding involved with an on-demand routing protocol in a large ad hoc wireless network may be unacceptably high. A hierarchical topology-based system and addressing may be more suitable for large ad hoc wireless networks

18 Deployment Considerations
The deployment of a commercial ad hoc wireless network has the following benefits – Low cost of deployment – Incremental deployment – Short deployment time – Re-configurability

19 Major Issues for Deployment
Scenario of deployment – Military deployment • Data-centric (e.g. WSN) • User-centric (soldiers or vehicles carrying with wireless communication devices) – Emergency operations deployment – Commercial wide-area deployment – Home network deployment Required longevity of network: regenerative power source can be deployed when the connectivity is required for a longer duration of time Area of coverage

20 Major Issues for Deployment
Service availability: redundant nodes can be deployed to against nodes failure Operational integration with other infrastructure: can be considered for improve the performance or gathering additional information, or for providing better QoS Choice of protocols: the choices of protocols at different layers of the protocol stack is to be done taking into consideration the deployment scenario

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