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What is OCCS? A tool for understanding your church’s strengths and growth areas A method for receiving outside input and insight from colleagues and lay.

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2 What is OCCS? A tool for understanding your church’s strengths and growth areas A method for receiving outside input and insight from colleagues and lay leaders

3 Why have OCCS? Need for evaluation
Churches slip into a maintenance mode very easily The opportunity to look at church through new eyes Increase credibility with lay leaders

4 Mystery Guests are sent to the church
Demographics are collected Other pastors and lay leaders are scheduled for the OCCS weekend Prayer teams are organized

5 NCD profile is presented
OCCS visitation team gives report Local church shares dreams and direction Church looks at minimum factor and begins process of growth in that area








13 Church board continues discussion of consultation report
Evaluation of OCCS process is given to the Member Ministries Department Within a year another NCD survey is taken Church grows naturally!

14 How do we sign up? Church board votes to request OCCS
Church submits $200 to the Oregon Conference Member Ministries Department The Church and Member Ministries Department set the date for the consultation weekend


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