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Developmental Psychology

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1 Developmental Psychology
Stages of Development

2 Sensorimotor Birth to about age 2
During this stage, the child learns about himself and his environment through motor and reflex actions. The child learns that he is separate from his environment

3 Begins about the time the child starts to talk to about age 7
Preoperational Begins about the time the child starts to talk to about age 7 Applying his new knowledge of language, the child begins to use symbols to represent objects. Early in this stage he also personifies objects.

4 Concrete Operational About first grade to early adolescence
During this stage the child develops an ability to think abstractly and to make rational judgements about concrete or observable phenomena

5 Formal Operations adolescence
Rational judgment no longer require concrete objects. Adolescents are capable of hypothetical and deductive reasoning

6 Reflection Write about a time when you were younger and your perception of events was affected by your stage of development. You can also use an example of a younger sibling or niece/nephew.

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