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You as the Supervisor and Coach

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Presentation on theme: "You as the Supervisor and Coach"— Presentation transcript:

1 You as the Supervisor and Coach
Mr Bill Miller Deputy Director

2 Supervision Meeting the needs of your customers by getting the technical work of the unit done on time, with resources available, in a way that meets or exceeds standards… coaching others rather than doing it yourself.

3 You as the Supervisor and Coach
Getting Started Overcome initial anxieties Learn the ropes Establishing Authority Dealing with friends and peers you now supervise Developing standards

4 You as the Supervisor and Coach
Identify Priorities Be available and visible Identify employee abilities Communicate With your supervisor With your peers With your subordinates

5 You as the Supervisor and Coach
Employee Concerns Build trust with your employees Learn to say “no” Resolve squabbles How To Work With Others (PRIDE) Planning (working to prevent a lag) Reporting/Communication (keeping everyone informed) Improving (ask the question “Why”) Directing (carrying out the objectives of management) Evaluate (your employees and work produced)

6 Questions

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