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Welcome to Curriculum Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night!
Mrs. Boudreau ~ Room 208 Welcome to Curriculum Night!

2 At Hilda Walker, We Are… Respectful Responsible Safe

3 Goal ~ Help your child have a fun and successful year in 5th grade!
Mrs. Boudreau Graduated from Olivet Nazarene University 15th year in the Summit Hill School District  Teaching Experience 1st grade (Indian Trail) 2nd grade (Indian Trail) 4th grade (Bourbonnais) 5th grade (Manteno) Husband – Tim; Full-time FF/Paramedic and Coach Son – Caleb; Graduated 2018 Daughter – Kaylee; 6th grade Come from a family of teachers Mother (retired) Father (retired) Sister (4th grade teacher) Goal ~ Help your child have a fun and successful year in 5th grade!

4 Language Arts Students will study and incorporate grammar skills into writing and reading daily. Students will also be reading, analyzing, and writing poetry. L. A. will be incorporated across the curriculum throughout the year. Spelling will be included in the L.A. curriculum.

5 Reading “Journeys” Assessments on a story may be a project, quiz, or
test. In Reading, we will also work on writing, listening, poetry, and fluency skills. The text includes all types of reading genres. Students will learn to use various reading strategies in order to better develop comprehension skills.

6 Social Studies There will be multiple summative assessments given throughout the chapter instead of a final assessment at the end of the chapter. There might not be homework each day. We have a lot of discussion and note taking during class. Some topics include Colonization and the American Revolution Class is very vocabulary intensive. Please review terms nightly. We also watch several short films in class to help build background for the students.

7 Discipline Policy Students will be expected to follow all school and classroom procedures; as well as other procedures taught throughout the year. Should a student violate any of the expectations, a proper consequence determined by the teacher, may be issued. Consequences may include, but are not limited to: visual cues, verbal warning, loss of free time, detention(s), phone call(s) home, conference with teacher, change of seat, referral, and/or visit to the office. Compliance with procedures/rules will result in any of the following rewards: constructive learning, verbal praise, PBIS tickets, participation in end of year activities, and/or participation in various activities throughout the year. We spent a good amount of time going over these procedures in the beginning of the year. I will continue to model, review, and address rules as needed throughout the year.

8 Positive Rewards Various rewards will be given throughout the year. Some may include, but are not limited to: Positive notes/phone calls home Team Incentives Paws tickets (to purchase items at Paw-Mart) Certificates Positive notes/phone calls to Ms. Goebel and/or Ms. Carroll

9 Homework Policy Assignments that are brought home for completion are usually class work assignments that are not finished during the school day. If an assignment is not completed by the following school day (or its due date), it will be considered “late.” Once a student has 5 late assignments, they are required to attend Study Hall during lunch/intramurals for the remainder of the quarter. A notice of the missing/late assignment will be sent home for a parent/guardian signature. The signed notice, along with the completed assignment, will be due the next day. Failure to do so, will result in the loss of a privilege. Your child is responsible for writing daily work in their assignment notebooks. If an assignment is not completed due to a family emergency, please send me a note/ stating so; otherwise it’s considered late.

10 District Grading Scale
A B C D F Formatives = 25% of final grade Summatives = 75% of

11 Retake Policy Students who receive a D or an F on a summative assessment will be required to retake the assessment. Students are allowed one retake, per subject, per quarter if they receive an A, B, or C on a summative. Paperwork will be filled out by the student and signed by the parent before a reassessment will take place. The reassessment will be completed within one week of the original assessment. The most recent score will be recorded in the gradebook, even if that means it is lower than the original score, as stated by District policy. The lowest score your child can receive on a summative assessment is a 50%. However, a comment will be made in PowerSchool about the original grade.

12 Specials Schedule We have PE daily.
Your child will attend the following cycle classes throughout the week: Music Art Skills and Strategies Technology Library

13 NO PEANUTS ALLOWED! We are a peanut free classroom.
Please help us keep all students safe by washing your hands often and sanitizing when available.

14 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Please note that Parent/Teacher Conference sign-ups should be available online this year in October. Reminders will be sent home prior to conferences. 

15 Parent Communication Phone E-mail Website Notes Assignment Notebooks
Website Notes Assignment Notebooks Progress Reports/Report Cards

16 Upcoming Reminders Monday, September 3rd No School (Labor Day)
Friday, September 14th ½ day in AM; Teacher In-service in PM

17  Thank You!  Please make sure to read over the parent/student handbook. I urge you to take special notice of the district’s policy on appropriate school clothing and the weapons policy. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit our classroom!

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