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Student Led Conferences

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Presentation on theme: "Student Led Conferences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Led Conferences
Tuesday 2/13 Wednesday 2/14 Thursday 2/15 Friday 2/16 Early Release 1:30 Student Led Conferences  At Salk on Feb. 13, 14, 15, &16, 2018

2 What is a Student Led Conference?
Student Led means that you (Salk Student) will lead the conference with your parent. This is a time to show your parents work samples from your classes. You will also talk about your classes for next school year. 8th graders will discuss their high school class choices with their families for Fall. Your conference teacher will be available to answer any questions your family and you might have as they arise.

3 January 25, 2018 – Your job today
Get a folder from your 1st period teacher  Write your first and last name on the inside front cover Teachers will give you classwork to put into your folder from each class period. Take the letter home to your parents that explains about Student Led Conferences

4 How do you schedule a conference with your parents?
Your teacher is sending an address home to your parents with  conference times they are available to meet. This link can be found on the Salk Web Site with the times your teacher is available to meet. is the place to go. Feb. 13 Student Name  Parent Name 1:45-2:15 2:15-2:45

5 Letter to Parents about Student Led Conferences – Take this home today and give it to your parents.

6 Salk SLC Checklist-start on 1/25 Finish on 2/1/18

7 Salk Student Led Conference Talking Points – Practice for Feb
Salk Student Led Conference Talking Points – Practice for Feb. 8, 2018 Prep time  This is your presentation steps with parents – Parents need to sign this form and give to your SLC teacher

8 Student Learning Plan – Done on Feb. 8 during SLC Prep
You will start this at school but it needs to be finished with your parents.  Your parents and you sign the form and give it to your SLC teacher when you finish.

9 Thank you for all your hard work this semester. Salk Staff

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