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Author: Mirza Muhammad Waqar PhD Student

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1 Downloading ALOS PALSAR & Senteinal Data from ALASKA Satellite Facility
Author: Mirza Muhammad Waqar PhD Student Josaphat Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory, Center of Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, Japan

2 ALASKA Satellite Facility
Web URL: Datasets Available

3 Step 01: Create EarthData Login ID
Go to the following URL: Create your Earthdata Login ID

4 Step 02: Select Dataset Once login at Alaska Satellite Facility data portal, select dataset of your interest. For example in below example, I select ALOS PALSAR.

5 Step 03: Select Date Here select time span for which dataset is required. For example in below example, I select January 01, 2008 to January 01, 2010.

6 Step 04: Select Area Select area for which you want to acquire data.
There are two options to select area: Based on coordinates: You need to enter coordinates of top left and bottom right coordinates of your study area manually in latitude/longitude format. Based on box: You can draw a box manually with your computer mouse.

7 Step 5: Final Search Now you already enter all required data. Click on Search. It will display available data based on your entered criteria.

8 Step 06: Downloading data
I recommend you to use Firefox browser to download data. Before downloading data, you need to install one Add-on of Firefox browser. The Add-on is “DownThemAll”.

9 Step 6: Downloading Data – Continue…
Select your required image, click on “Queue” and select required level (level 1, 1.5 or terrain corrected etc.). Once you select required level, that image will be added to Queue under “Download Queue” tab. Click on “Download Queue”. And click on “Bulk Download (.metalink)”

10 Step 6: Downloading Data – Continue…
Once you will click on “Bulk Download(.metalink)”, a dialog box will open. Select “DownloadThemAll!”. Click OK. In next dialog change path or leave default path and click on “Start!”

11 Step 6: Downloading Data – Continue…
Another dialog box will open. Click on Start. I will download your required data.

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