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Introduction Briefly Outline the Project. Introduction Briefly Outline the Project.

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2 Introduction Briefly Outline the Project

3 Rationale for Project Please highlight why this project is important and provide an evidence base, if relevant, from existing literature and NHS policies both local and national

4 Project Team List project team members and their expertise
Please note that Human Factor expertise must form part of the project team

5 Project Timeline Please break down project into milestones and show fill timeline

6 Education Intervention
What will the intervention deliver? How will this be achieved in the scope of the project?

7 Measuring Success How will you measure success?
What will your baseline measures be? What sources of data will you be using for these measures? What will your post intervention measures be?

8 Funding Please provide a detailed breakdown of costs for the project

9 Return on Investment Please explain how you will measure return on investment and what the anticipated savings will be from the project

10 Sustainability and Spread
Describe how this project will/can be sustained after this funding. How will your organisation(s) support the translation of the project following successful completion (please provide commitment letter to show support from CEO/ Director/ Head of Service) Describe how learning from this project will/can be translated across the region or nationally

11 Authorisation Name and contact details of CEO/ Director/ Head of Service supporting the application: As part of the final proposal, you are required to submit a letter from the CEO/ Director/ Head of Service indicating that they will support the sustainability of the project once implementation and evaluation of the initial project has been completed.

12 Other Information Please include any other relevant information here


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