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Presentation on theme: "PHOTOSYNTHESIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mesophyll Cell of Leaf Photosynthesis occurs in these cells! Nucleus
Cell Wall Chloroplast Central Vacuole Photosynthesis occurs in these cells!

3 Chloroplast Organelle where photosynthesis takes place.
Thylakoid membrane=light reaction take place Thylakoid Membrane Stroma Outer Membrane Thylakoid Granum Inner Membrane Thylakoid stacks are connected together

4 Question: Why are plants green?

5 Absorption of Light by Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll absorbs blue-violet & red light best violet blue green yellow orange red Absorption wavelength

6 During the fall, what causes the leaves to change colors?
Question: During the fall, what causes the leaves to change colors?

7 Fall Colors In addition to the chlorophyll pigments, there are other pigments present During the fall, the green chlorophyll pigments are greatly reduced revealing the other pigments Carotenoids are pigments that are either red, orange, or yellow

8 Why do cells use for energy?
Question: Why do cells use for energy?

9 Energy for Life on Earth
Sunlight is the ULTIMATE energy for all life on Earth Plants store energy in the chemical bonds of sugars Chemical energy is released as ATP during cellular respiration

10 Structure of ATP ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate
It is composed of the nitrogen base ADENINE, the pentose (5C) sugar RIBOSE, and three PHOSPHATE groups The LAST phosphate group is bonded with a HIGH ENERGY chemical bond This bond can be BROKEN to release ENERGY for CELLS to use

11 Removing a Phosphate from ATP
Breaking the LAST PHOSPHATE bond from ATP, will --- Release ENERGY for cells to use Form ADP Produce a FREE PHOSPHATE GROUP

12 High Energy Phosphate Bond

13 Two Parts of Photosynthesis
Two reactions make up photosynthesis: 1.Light Reaction or Light Dependent Reaction - Produces energy from solar power (photons) in the form of ATP and NADPH. SUN

14 Two Parts of Photosynthesis
2. Calvin Cycle or Light Independent Reaction Also called Carbon Fixation or C3 Fi Uses energy (ATP and NADPH) from light reaction to make sugar (glucose).

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