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Characteristics of Linear Graphs

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Linear Graphs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Linear Graphs

2 Vocabulary ZERO: Where the graph crosses the X-Axis
Y-INTERCEPT: Where the graph crosses the Y-Axis END BEHAVIOR: Does the graph Increase or decrease at the ‘ends’ of the graph (what do the arrows do?)

3 Example Zero:________ Y-Intercept:_________ End Behavior:

4 Example Zero:________ Y-Intercept:_________ End Behavior:

5 Example Zero:________ Y-Intercept:_________ End Behavior:

6 Domain The set containing all of the x-values.
*When finding the domain of a graph, ask yourself these 2 questions: 1.) What is the left-most point of this graph? 2.) What is the right-most point of this graph?

7 Range The set containing all of the y-values.
*When finding the range of a graph, ask yourself these 2 questions: 1.) What is the highest point of this graph? 2.) What is the lowest point of this graph?

8 Example Domain:________________ Range:__________________

9 Example Domain:________________ Range:__________________

10 Example Domain:_______________ Range:________________

11 Increasing & Decreasing
MOVE LEFT TO RIGHT If your finger goes UP, the graph is increasing. If your finger goes DOWN, the graph is decreasing. If your finger goes neither up or down…then the graph is CONSTANT.

12 Example Increasing or Decreasing? _________________________

13 Example Increasing or Decreasing? __________________________

14 Example Increasing or Decreasing? ___________________________

15 Put them ALL together! Zero:_________ Y-Intercept:__________
End Behavior:______________ Domain:______________ Range:_______________ Increasing or Decreasing? ________________________

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