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Growing up fiction midterm review

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Presentation on theme: "Growing up fiction midterm review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing up fiction midterm review
Elements of fiction

2 What is the climax of ‘Boys and Girls’
What is the climax of ‘Boys and Girls’? How does it show the height of the main internal conflict?

3 What is the main internal and external conflict of 'Teen Spirit' in Blankets?

4 What is the person, number, and tense of the narration in this:
“The Dursleys hadn’t even remembered that today happened to be Harry’s twelfth birthday. Of course, his hopes hadn’t been high; they’d never given him a real present, let alone a cake – but to ignore it completely”

5 What is the person, number, and tense of the narration in this:
“Back in the day when everyone was old and stupid or young and foolish and me and Sugar were the only ones just right, this lady moved on our block with nappy hair and proper speech and no makeup. And quite naturally we laughed at her...’

6 What is the Inciting incident for Lindsey's story in Freaks and Geeks?

7 What does Flora symbolize in ‘Boys and Girls’?

8 What might Araby symbolize in 'Araby'?

9 What character role does Sugar play in ‘the Lesson’?

10 Name a flat character in 'Boys and Girls' or ‘greasy lake’.

11 What elements of plot can work or not work?

12 Example from ‘Greasy Lake’?

13 What elements of character can work/not work?

14 Example from Freaks+Geeks?

15 Roughly when was Great Expectations written
Roughly when was Great Expectations written? Why is that important for it as a Bildungsroman?

16 Great Exp is structured less around one external conflict than around Pip's internal shifts; how does he the book use symbols to show this shift?

17 How does Great expectations show social class (and values attached to them)?

18 How can you make a case that someone is a rare example of a flat major character in 'Wildwood'?

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